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Funny Moment Woman Wants to Order MUA Service, Accidentally Chats the Wrong Seller Bolen, Short Response Makes Embarrassed.

Funny Moment Woman Wants to Order MUA Service, Accidentally Chats the Wrong Seller Bolen, Short Response Makes Embarrassed.

Dream - When attending important moments, most women will use the services of a Makeup Artist or MUA to do their makeup. In fact, they have to find the best MUA and make a booking so that the event date is not taken by other customers. Therefore, someone will contact the MUA they want from far in advance to avoid running out of slots. This is also done by women in a video on the Tiktok account @lisaekaaja. However, instead of getting certainty, this woman is confused when she sees the response from the person she contacted.

Momen Kocak Wanita Mau Pesan Jasa MUA Salah Chat ke Penjual Bolen, Jawaban Singkat Bikin Tengsin

"In the post, a woman shared a screenshot when she was about to ask her chosen MUA (Makeup Artist). With confidence, the woman named Lisa Eka introduced herself as a potential customer who wants to book the services of the MUA."

"Makeup Artist Service for Bridesmaid"

In the message, Lisa wants to order the services of a makeup artist for the purpose of being a bridesmaid at her relative's wedding. Not only that, the uploader also mentioned that they have contacted the person in question on Instagram, but there has been no response.

Momen Kocak Wanita Mau Pesan Jasa MUA Salah Chat ke Penjual Bolen, Jawaban Singkat Bikin Tengsin

In response to the message, someone who was assumed to be a MUA by Lisa asked where they got her WhatsApp number from. Then Lisa answered from the Instagram stories of Wedding Organizer (WO) vendors.

One possible translation of the given text while preserving any HTML tags is: "Wrong Chat to the Seller Bolen"

Not long after, the person who was thought to be a MUA sent a photo of their product. It was not a makeup testimonial, but a picture of toast with sausage and cheese toppings. Not only that, they also sent a photo of a bolen with chocolate topping. "That's my product, bro," wrote a message from a bolen seller who was mistaken for a MUA. It turns out, the person who was thought to be a MUA was actually a bolen seller.

Momen Kocak Wanita Mau Pesan Jasa MUA Salah Chat ke Penjual Bolen, Jawaban Singkat Bikin Tengsin

The moment when the woman was mistaken in the chat turned out to be because she saved the wrong number. The number that she saved as MUA (makeup artist) turned out to be missing one digit, so it ended up connecting to a seller of bolen (a type of cake). "It's a matter of missing one digit in the phone number," she wrote in the video description.

Momen Kocak Wanita Mau Pesan Jasa MUA Salah Chat ke Penjual Bolen, Jawaban Singkat Bikin Tengsin

The funny and embarrassing moments went viral on social media and received various responses from netizens in the comment section. "I once made a mistake transferring money to the wrong account number, then I immediately messaged the number I transferred to \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d," wrote the account @sicacing. "Short, concise, and clearly forgivable," wrote the account @asssdrghhj. "I also once made a mistake chatting with a seller on Shopee, I couldn't cancel the order, so when I realized it, I apologized to the seller \ud83d\ude2d. I wanted to buy underwear but ended up buying a bag," wrote the account @Oreo el junior.

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