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Stairs 'Invisible', Thought to be a Dead End Turns Out to Lead to a Mosque

Stairs 'Invisible', Thought to be a Dead End Turns Out to Lead to a Mosque

Dream - For someone who has a multi-storey house, stairs become an important part to be considered. Besides its safety, many homeowners choose unique staircase concepts to make it look aesthetic. Apart from enhancing the interior design of the house, the right design also makes the residents comfortable when using it. One of the unique staircase designs can be seen in this video. Not only unique, but the appearance of the staircase in this house also confuses anyone who sees it.

Tangga 'Gaib', Dikira Buntu Ternyata Bisa Tembus ke Mushola

A netizen recorded the stairs in her house and uploaded it to the TikTok account @mulya8008. A woman showed the location of the stairs in her house, which made netizens wonder.

The staircase is made with the same material as the surrounding walls. Located in the corner of the room, the staircase even attaches to one of the walls in the house. The staircase, made of red bricks, is not very high. Meanwhile, there are no railings installed on its sides. At first glance, there is nothing strange about the staircase. However, upon closer inspection, the staircase appears to end abruptly against the wall.

Tangga 'Gaib', Dikira Buntu Ternyata Bisa Tembus ke Mushola

"Yesterday someone asked, where does that ladder lead to? Strange, isn't it?"

write the owner of the house.

Tangga 'Gaib', Dikira Buntu Ternyata Bisa Tembus ke Mushola

That is what makes netizens wonder what the actual function of the stairs in the house is. However, the video recorder then shows a closer look at the appearance of the stairs.

Tangga 'Gaib', Dikira Buntu Ternyata Bisa Tembus ke Mushola

Apparently, there is a door leading to a room on the second floor. Not right in front of the end of the stairs, but on the side, so it deceives the sight. The room is used as a prayer room. The small room is filled with prayer mats and some furniture.

Still in the Development Process

The owner of the house then explained that the staircase in his house is not yet fully completed. Therefore, its shape still looks unique, unlike other houses that have been inhabited.


The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The peculiar stairs video went viral on social media and has been watched more than 14.6 million times. Not only that, many netizens left various responses in the comment section. "Hahaha... turns out it's a transparent door. 😂," wrote the account "I thought it was a dead-end, then I wondered what its benefit was, but oh my 😂 it surprised me," wrote the account @ဋိ်ိ့််််််််််််််််််. "I thought the stairs were blocked, the door was like invisible 😅," wrote the account @nongsek🌃. Report: Halwa Nadiyah Rosadi"

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