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Penemuan Tengkorak Abad ke-16 di Papua, Kepala Terbelah dan Diduga Kena Sihir

"Discovery of a 16th-century Skull in Papua, Split Head and Allegedly Affected by Witchcraft"

Penemuan Tengkorak Abad ke-16 di Papua, Kepala Terbelah dan Diduga Kena Sihir

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Skull of a woman from colonial Indonesia era possesses sharp violence, allegedly due to slavery or being perceived as a witch."

A woman who is likely to have become a slave has undergone execution with a sharp weapon in the Papua region, Indonesia. The only remaining evidence that can be analyzed is the victim's skull, and it was found that the woman was between 26 and 42 years old at the time of the murder incident.

Penemuan Tengkorak Abad ke-16 di Papua, Kepala Terbelah dan Diduga Kena Sihir

The team uses digital photography and ultraviolet to examine wounds on the skull and found several sharp object wounds identified on the frontal, temporal, and occipital bones.
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology.

Source: Live Science

"Mystery of the woman's skull during the colonial era."

The woman lived during a period called the "colonial era" in Indonesia, which was the period from the 16th century to the mid-20th century when this country was under the rule of European countries. The discovery of the skull was made on Biak Island in 1935 by a team of scientists from Airlangga University in Indonesia. According to the research, the year and the word "Biak" (possibly referring to the Biak people) were carved on the skull of the woman.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Discovery of Skulls in Indonesia Reveals the Darkness of Slavery Practices and Raids During the European Colonial Era"

During the colonial period, Europeans often conducted raids on slaves and captured local inhabitants. The Netherlands, which controlled Indonesia for most of that time, was involved in extensive slavery practices. Although it is possible that the woman died during those raids, research states that it is difficult to distinguish whether the skulls analyzed in this study belonged to victims of interethnic conflicts or victims of slavery.

The researchers noted that a female shaman known as "mon" was targeted during the raid. This raises the question of whether this woman is considered a witch. The identity of the killer is also still unclear. Rizky Sugianto Putri stated, "We do not yet know who the perpetrator is. However, the trauma wounds from the sharp object are suspected to come from a machete, a weapon commonly used by the Papuan tribe during the colonial era."

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