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"Prayer to Ward off Stress and Ways to Overcome it According to Islam, Practice after Obligatory Prayer"

"In any condition, it is better for us to constantly remember and rely on Allah SWT."

Dream - Prayer as a stress reliever is certainly very important to be known by every Muslim. Realizing that every human being has the potential to experience such mental conditions. People who experience stress can be caused by various factors. It could be because of work problems, family problems, love, and so on. However, in any condition, it will be better if we continue to remember and rely on Allah SWT. One way is to read prayers as a stress reliever.

Well, here is a prayer reading to ward off stress and how to overcome it according to Islam as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Prayer to Ward off Stress and Ways to Overcome it According to Islam, Practice after Obligatory Prayer
Doa Penangkal Stres

"Prayer to Ward Off Stress"

Praying is the key to all kinds of problems, including when you are stressed. Here are some stress-relieving prayers that friends of Dream can practice.

"First Stress Prevention Prayer"

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ جَهْدِ الْبَلاَءِ وَدَرَكِ الشَّقَاءِ وَسُوءِ الْقَضَاءِ وَشَمَاتَةِ الْأَعْدَاءِ Allahumma inni a'udzubika min jahdil bala, wa darkisy syaqa', wa suu-il qadhaa', wa syamaamatil a'daa'. Translation: "O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the difficulty of afflictions, the severity of misery, the evil of decrees, and the rejoicing of enemies." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari)

"Prayer to Ward Off Stress Second"

Allahumma inni a'udzubika minal hammi wal hazan, wa a'udzubika minal 'ajzi wal kasali, wa a'udzubika minal jubni wal bukhli, wa a'udzubika min gholabatid dayni wa qohrir rijaal. Translation: "O Allah, I seek refuge in You from sadness and distress, I seek refuge in You from weakness and laziness, and I seek refuge in You from cowardice and stinginess, and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and the domination of men."

"and I seek refuge in You from the grip of debt and the oppression of people." (HR. Abu Dawud and Al-Baihaqi)"

Prayer to Ward off Stress and Ways to Overcome it According to Islam, Practice after Obligatory Prayer

"Prayer to Ward Off Stress Third"

يًَ يًٌٍَُِ يًَ ًٌٌٍَُِّ ٌٍَُُِِ ًيًٌٍََُِ بًَُِيُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ اٌََُُِِليًٌٍََُِ ا&#


"Fourth Stress Relief Prayer"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Allahumma La sahla illa ma ja'altahu sahla, wa Anta taj'alul hazna iza syi'ta sahla. Artinya: "O Allah, there is no ease except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if You will." (Narrated by Ibn Hibban)"

"Prayer to Ward Off Stress Fifth"

There is no god but You, Glorified be You, Indeed I have been of the wrongdoers. Meaning: "There is no god but You (O Allah)! Glorified be You, Indeed I have been of the wrongdoers." (QS. Al-Anbiya: 87)

Cara Menghilangkan Stres Menurut Ajaran Islam

How to Relieve Stress According to Islamic Teachings

"Islam not only teaches about stress-relieving prayers, but also ways to overcome it. These ways can bring us closer to Allah SWT. Here are some ways to eliminate stress according to Islam."

1. Pray

One of the ways taught in Islam to relieve stress is by praying. When we feel pressured or anxious, praying to Allah can provide tranquility and release the burden we feel. The way to do it is by taking a moment, facing the qibla, and reciting a prayer according to the situation we are experiencing.

2. Be patient

"Patience is a very important value in Islam. When we are faced with trials and pressures, patience is the key to maintaining emotional and mental balance. With patience, we can face everything calmly and wholeheartedly."

Prayer to Ward off Stress and Ways to Overcome it According to Islam, Practice after Obligatory Prayer

3. Doing Good Deeds

Removing stress can also be done by doing good deeds. In Islam, good deeds can be a means to earn rewards and happiness. Doing good deeds such as giving charity, helping others, or being kind to others can provide a feeling of happiness and calm the mind.

4. Exercise

Sports are also taught in Islam as one of the ways to maintain the health of the body and mind. By exercising, we can release stress and calm the mind. Islam encourages its followers to be active in moving and maintaining physical fitness.

Prayer to Ward off Stress and Ways to Overcome it According to Islam, Practice after Obligatory Prayer

5. Finding knowledge and insight

"Islam also encourages its followers to continue learning and developing themselves. By seeking knowledge and being insightful, we can find solutions to the problems we face, improve ourselves, and shift our focus from stressful situations."

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book author.,The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: book author.,The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: book author.,Konten Menarik,Konten Menarik,Konten Menarik">