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Story of the Struggle of Older Brother and Younger Brother: Together from the Pesantren, Now Successfully Become Soldiers

Story of the Struggle of Older Brother and Younger Brother: Together from the Pesantren, Now Successfully Become Soldiers

Kisah Perjuangan Kakak dan Adik: Sama-Sama dari Pesantren Kini Sukses Bersama Jadi Tentara

"Dream - Kakak often becomes a role model for his younger siblings. It is not uncommon for a younger sibling to follow the path of his older sibling."

Kisah Perjuangan Kakak dan Adik: Sama-Sama dari Pesantren Kini Sukses Bersama Jadi Tentara

As told by a man named Ayyub, who became a role model for his younger brother. From childhood to adulthood, they struggled together to achieve success. This story was shared by the man on his TikTok account @ustadzrider.

"Kakak is the closest example for their younger siblings. For me, a sibling should be able to be a good inspiration for their younger siblings,"
write video description.


In the video, Ayyub showcases photos of his childhood and his conversation with his younger sibling. Since childhood, his younger sibling has always followed Ayyub's footsteps in pursuing education.

Kisah Perjuangan Kakak dan Adik: Sama-Sama dari Pesantren Kini Sukses Bersama Jadi Tentara

When he was young, Ayyub decided to study at a pesantren. Similar to his older brother, his younger brother also followed in his footsteps to become a santri. After graduating from the pesantren, Ayyub decided to enroll as a cadet. His younger brother followed suit as well.

Kisah Perjuangan Kakak dan Adik: Sama-Sama dari Pesantren Kini Sukses Bersama Jadi Tentara
Kisah Perjuangan Kakak dan Adik: Sama-Sama dari Pesantren Kini Sukses Bersama Jadi Tentara

After trying to register as a cadet, Ayyub did not pass the selection. Then, he chose to search for another TNI school. Meanwhile, his younger sibling was determined to continue their struggle to become a cadet.

Their efforts paid off when in 2023, Ayyub and his sibling both achieved success in their respective choices. Now, Ayyub has successfully become a TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces) officer and his sibling has become a cadet.

Kisah Perjuangan Kakak dan Adik: Sama-Sama dari Pesantren Kini Sukses Bersama Jadi Tentara

"Viral on Social Media"

The story of these siblings' struggle has also gone viral on social media. Not only that, many netizens are impressed by Ayyub and his sibling's perseverance and have shown support in the comment section of their post.


"Netizen Comments"

"“Masyaallah, surely their parents must be very proud,” wrote the account @milkshake05_. “Cool, hopefully I can be like this in the future,” wrote the account @mmw0oorkk. “May my children follow in your footsteps, always be successful,” wrote the account @riasty830. “Masyaallah, good intentions always end well,” wrote the account @zanilarasyi. Report: Yulia Putri"

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