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Adult KPK Reveals SYL's Whatsapp Message to Firli After Becoming a Suspect: Request for Guidance from the General

Adult KPK Reveals SYL's Whatsapp Message to Firli After Becoming a Suspect: Request for Guidance from the General

Dewas KPK Bongkar Pesan Whatsapp SYL ke Firli Usai Jadi Tersangka: Mohon Petunjuk Jenderal

Dream - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (Dewas KPK) revealed a conversation between the suspended Chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri, and former Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL).

That was stated in the fact of the ethical trial of Firli Bahuri read by the KPK Supervisory Board. Member of the Ethics Board of the KPK Supervisory Board, Syamsuddin Haris, said that communication between Firli and SYL also occurred when the former Minister of Agriculture was declared a suspect in a case of alleged corruption in the form of extortion in office, acceptance of gratuities, and Money Laundering Criminal Acts (TPPU).

"That after the Investigation Order in the name of witness Syahrul Yasin Limpo was signed and designated as a suspect, the examiner (Firli Bahuri) communicated again with witness Syahrul Yasin Limpo through WhatsApp messages in September 2023,""

Haris said at ACLC KPK Building, C1 Block, Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Wednesday, December 27, 2023 quoted from

Dewas KPK Bongkar Pesan Whatsapp SYL ke Firli Usai Jadi Tersangka: Mohon Petunjuk Jenderal

Haris conveyed that Firli was communicating while SYL was on a business trip to Rome. At the same time, the investigative team was searching the residence of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Kasdi Subagyono.

"At the time when witness Syahrul Yasin Limpo was in Rome and the KPK investigators conducted a search at witness Kasdi Subagyono's house,"
"ungkap Haris." translates to "revealed Haris."


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Haris said, at that time SYL asked for guidance from Firli Bahuri because he had become a suspect in the KPK. According to Haris, Firli Bahuri briefly responded to the message, but it was immediately deleted by Firli Bahuri. "In the communication, witness Syahrul Yasin Limpo said 'please excuse me, General, I just received the information. We seek guidance and assistance because we are still abroad.' And it was answered by the suspect (Firli) who then deleted it," said Haris.

"This communication was not conveyed by the inspected to other leaders,""
"tambahnya." translates to "addition."


Dewas KPK Bongkar Pesan Whatsapp SYL ke Firli Usai Jadi Tersangka: Mohon Petunjuk Jenderal

Haris explained that during the examination, Syahrul Yasin Limpo has given approval to the Supervisory Board to access and use the screenshot evidence of his communication with Firli Bahuri, which has been seized by the KPK investigators as evidence.

"Considering that according to the Clarification Minutes, it is stated that the authenticity of the conversation between the subject and witness Syahrul Yasin Limpo in the form of a screenshot is doubtful,"
tutur Haris. Translation: "Haris said."


"However, the examined doubt is unfounded because besides not being supported by other evidence, it is also based on the testimony of digital forensic expert Saji Purwanto, screenshots of the examined communication with witness Syahrul Yasin Limpo through the WhatsApp application sourced from the mobile phone of witness Syahrul Yasin Limpo, which was confiscated by the KPK investigators and used as evidence in the trial, are true and not the result of editing."

"ujarnya." translates to "he/she said."

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