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"Moment Women Ask in Stand Up Taste Study, Making Congregation and Ustaz Laugh Out Loud"

Dream - When participating in a religious study, usually an ustaz not only gives a sermon. The congregation who come are also given the opportunity to ask questions. It is not uncommon for someone's moment of asking in the study to make other congregants overwhelmed with emotions. When telling a sad story, those who listen can also be moved.

Moments when Women Ask in the Taste Study Stand Up, Making Congregations and Clerics Laugh

However, it is different from a woman who recently went viral for asking a question during Ustaz Hanan Attaki's study in Tangerang, Banten, some time ago. The moment was uploaded by the account @ikarisaaa.

"Make the Congregation Laugh"

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The video shows a woman believed to be named Sumi asking and telling the story of her sad life. However, instead of being moved, the other congregation members laughed, even to the point of bursting out laughing."

Moments when Women Ask in the Taste Study Stand Up, Making Congregations and Clerics Laugh

This is because of the language style used by Sumi, which is funny and even called similar to a comedian. "Taste analysis of stand up!" wrote the video description.

Like when Sumi told that she came from a simple family, even could be called poor. "I was born into a simple family, you can say poor, sir ustadz," said the woman asking while holding a mic. "But are you happy?" the MC asked the woman. Interestingly, Sumi answered with a term that is currently popular on social media, even said it jokingly. "Gwenchana," she said with a smile.

Moments when Women Ask in the Taste Study Stand Up, Making Congregations and Clerics Laugh

That also sparked laughter from all the congregants in the room, even the MC and Ustaz Hanan Attaki joined in the laughter. After that, he told a story that since his mother passed away, he has been trying to survive on his own.

"Even so, he had to take care of the neighbor's child in order to earn money for food. At his age, which was still in school at that time, he once asked his older brother for money for his school needs. 'I am having a hard time, Mr. Ustaz, to earn money,' said Sumi. 'Sister, it's not just your problem, it's our problem too,' replied Ustaz Hanan, greeted with laughter from the congregation."

Moments when Women Ask in the Taste Study Stand Up, Making Congregations and Clerics Laugh

The older sibling said they would transfer Rp300,000 to pay for school expenses. However, even after 3 years, the money has not been sent, and the older sibling only reads their younger sibling's message without replying.

"Wants to End Relationship with Sibling"

"Until finally, now he has a job and his older brother contacted him to borrow some money. Sumi then asked if it would be sinful if he ended his relationship with his older brother. "Am I sinful, Mr. Ustaz, if I cut off ties with my brother in my life?" Sumi asked."

Selfie Bareng Ustaz Hanan

"Selfie with Ustaz Hanan"

"Unfortunately, Ustaz Hanan's answer was not recorded in the video. However, at the end of the questioning session, the woman from Lampung was given the opportunity to take a selfie with Ustaz Hanan who was on stage."

"Netizen Comments"

"Yesterday was so much fun, got knowledge and entertainment from Ultraman and Mba Sumi the singer, it was really amazing hahaha," wrote the account @sseraivespatzy. "I'm sure Mba Sumi is an Aries zodiac sign," wrote the account @Vella No limit. "But Mba Sumi seems to be covering up her sadness in that way hahaha," wrote the account @kimvaa. "Her jokes are so natural, I laughed so hard," wrote the account @hes.

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