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Muslims Must Know! Here are 7 Body Parts that Must be Protected during Ramadan Fasting, One of them is the Heart.

Muslims Must Know! Here are 7 Body Parts that Must be Protected during Ramadan Fasting, One of them is the Heart.

Dream - Fasting for Muslims has a very deep meaning. It is not just about restraining hunger and thirst. But there is an increase in spiritual values within it. Behind the obligation to perform the Ramadan fasting as explained in the word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 183, fasting becomes a worship with various meanings. For example, to cultivate piety, erase sins, protect from the fires of hell, practice patience, and practice honesty. In addition, during fasting, our bodies also need to be taken care of.

This was conveyed by a sufi that there are seven body parts that must be guarded during Ramadan fasting. What are they? Here is the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Muslims Must Know! These are the 7 Body Parts that Must be Protected during Ramadan Fasting, One of them is the Heart

"The Body Members that Must be Taken Care of during Ramadan Fasting"

According to a Sufi, namely Al-Harits al-Muhasibi, he said that there are seven body parts that must be guarded during Ramadan fasting as follows:


The first member of the body is the heart. The duty of the heart after believing in Allah SWT is sincerity in practicing His commands. It should be known that the heart itself is a very important part of our body. When the heart is good, the whole body is also good. As explained in the following hadith: "Know that in this body there is a piece of flesh. If it is good, then the whole body is good. But if it is bad, then the whole body is bad. That is the heart." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

"Lisan" in English is translated as "Oral".

The second body part that must be guarded during Ramadan fasting is the tongue. The tongue is where our thoughts are expressed. However, Dream friends must be careful because the tongue is capable of uttering sharp words. The tongue can speak honestly and it can also not. It can say things that are beneficial and it can also not. In a hadith it is explained: "Whoever can guarantee for me what is between his two jawbones (the tongue) and what is between his two lips (I) will guarantee for him Paradise."

Muslims Must Know! These are the 7 Body Parts that Must be Protected during Ramadan Fasting, One of them is the Heart


Muslims must guard their eyes while fasting during Ramadan. Just as Islam has taught us to lower our gaze and refrain from looking at what is forbidden. As explained in the following hadith: "The gaze is an arrow from the arrows of Satan. Whoever leaves it out of fear of Allah, then Allah will bring faith as a replacement, which he will find sweet in battle." (HR. At-Thabrani and Al-Hakim). Two eyes commit adultery and their adultery is the gaze. (HR. Bukhari)


The next body part that needs to be guarded during Ramadan fasting is the ears. Anything that should not be read or seen should also not be heard. Imam al-Muhasibi said that there is no body part after the tongue that pays more attention than the ears or hearing, because the result of hearing is something that reaches the heart faster.

Muslims Must Know! These are the 7 Body Parts that Must be Protected during Ramadan Fasting, One of them is the Heart

Rasulullah saw also once said:

" Nose "

Indra penciuman atau hidung juga harus dijaga saat sedang puasa Ramadan. Sebagaimana diceritakan bahwa suatu hari Khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz diberi sebotol minyak misik. Lalu ia menutup hidungnya dan berkata: "Apakah ia bermanfaat, kecuali hanya wanginya saja."

Muslims Must Know! These are the 7 Body Parts that Must be Protected during Ramadan Fasting, One of them is the Heart

"Preserving Hands and Feet"

The sixth and seventh limbs are to guard the hands and feet. That is, to take and step towards things or paths that are in accordance with Islamic law. Do not let our hands take something that is not our right. Similarly, with our feet, do not step on a path that is not good. So, make sure that what we hold and aim for is good and beneficial. The Prophet Muhammad said:

"Every step towards the place of prayer will be recorded as a good deed and will erase the bad deed." (HR. Ahmad)

Muslims Must Know! These are the 7 Body Parts that Must be Protected during Ramadan Fasting, One of them is the Heart
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