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Spesies Baru Katak Kecil Ditemukan di Indonesia, Ukurannya Cuma 3 Cm!

New Species of Small Frog Found in Indonesia, It's Only 3 cm in Size!

Limnonectes is a large genus of fork-tongued frogs in the family Dicroglossidae.

This genus includes more than 75 scientifically recognized species. They are collectively known as sharp-toothed frogs because they tend to have unusually large teeth, which are small or absent in other frogs.


Use Fangs to Fight

They use their fangs to fight each other in territorial and mating disputes, and sometimes even to hunt hard-skinned prey like giant centipedes and crabs.


The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: Species Limnonectes are distributed from India to China and Indochina, through the Thai-Malay Peninsula, and across the Sunda landmass (Borneo, Sumatra, and Java), Maluku, the Nusa Tenggara island chain, parts of western New Guinea, and the Philippines. Larger species prefer fast-flowing rivers, while smaller ones live among overlapping leaves or on riverbanks.

"Katak bertaring memiliki biologi reproduksi yang sangat kompleks," "The sharp-toothed frog has a highly complex reproductive biology,"

The text you provided is already in English and does not require translation.

"Contohnya, dua spesies Melayu, Limnonectes hascheanus dan Limnonectes limborgi, menunjukkan telur terestrial yang dijaga oleh pejantan bersama dengan larva nidicolous yang bersifat ontogeni: larva menetas sebagai kecebong yang hidup bebas namun tetap berada di sarang yang dijaga oleh pejantan, dan hanya bertahan hidup dengan nutrisi dari kecebong. karung kuning telur." "Example, two Malay species, Limnonectes hascheanus and Limnonectes limborgi, show terrestrial eggs that are guarded by males along with ontogenetic nidicolous larvae: the larvae hatch as tadpoles that live freely but remain in the nest guarded by males, and only survive with nutrition from tadpole's yellow egg sac."


New Species of Small Frog Found in Indonesia, Measuring Only 3 cm!

"Four Limnonectes species from Kalimantan, Limnonectes kuhlii, Limnonectes blythii, Limnonectes ibanorum, and Limnonectes ingeri 'are silent', lacking vocal abilities for advertisement calls."

The newly described species, named Limnonectes phyllofolia, lives in Sulawesi, a steep mountainous island that is part of Indonesia.


Spesies yang baru dideskripsikan, bernama Limnonectes phyllofolia, hidup di Sulawesi, sebuah pulau pegunungan terjal yang merupakan bagian dari Indonesia.

"“Sulawesi is a giant island with a vast network of mountains, volcanoes, lowland rainforests, and cloud forests in the mountains,” said Dr. Frederick. “The existence of various different habitats means that the biodiversity is so immense, with numerous plants and animals that we found there, it is comparable to places like the Amazon.” “Limnonectes phyllofolia is small compared to other toothed frogs found on the island, measuring about a quarter in size,” he added."

New Species of Small Frog Found in Indonesia, Measuring Only 3 cm!

"Many frogs in this genus are giant-sized, weighing up to two pounds. On a large scale, this new species has a weight that is almost equivalent to pocket change."

"Male Frog Taking Care of Frog Eggs"

The surprising thing for the research team is that all Limnonectes phyllofolia individuals that take care of the eggs are male.


"The male frog guards one or more eggs attached to leaves or large mossy rocks, one to two meters above a slow-flowing small river, water droplets, or seepage," they said.
"The behavior like this is not fully understood by all frogs, but it rarely occurs."


They hypothesize that the unusual reproductive behavior of frogs may also be related to their smaller fangs than usual. "Some frog relatives have larger fangs, which help them fend off competition for breeding spots along the river," they said. "Because these frogs develop ways to lay eggs far from water, they may no longer need such large fangs."

"It is very interesting that on each subsequent expedition to Sulawesi, we still find new and diverse methods of reproduction," concluded Dr. Frederick.

"The findings also underline the importance of preserving this very special tropical habitat."

"Sulawesi Place of Discovery of Unique Animals"

"Most of the animals that live in places like Sulawesi are quite unique, and habitat destruction is a conservation issue that continues to haunt the preservation of the species diversity we find there."


"Studying animals like frogs that are not found elsewhere on Earth helps us protect this valuable ecosystem."

The discovery of Limnonectes phyllofolia was reported in a paper in the journal PLoS ONE.

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