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"Scientists Discover Roman Era Cult Temple Beneath Parking Lot"

Ilmuwan Temukan Kuil Ajaran Sesat Zaman Romawi di Bawah Lahan Parkir

"Not long ago, archaeologists in Italy revealed an extraordinary discovery where a hidden temple from the reign of Emperor Constantine, approximately 1,600 years ago, was found."

"At that time, the Roman Empire citizens in Italy received a special letter from Emperor Constantine granting them permission to celebrate religious holidays within the country, so they did not have to travel far to other regions. This important letter, discovered by experts in the 18th century, revealed Emperor Constantine's unique policy in facilitating religious practices for his people."

Ilmuwan Temukan Kuil Ajaran Sesat Zaman Romawi di Bawah Lahan Parkir

Roman Temple during the Era of Emperor Constantine.

Professor of history from Saint Louis University, Douglas Bointel, announced the extraordinary discovery of a team of researchers who successfully identified three Roman temple walls dating back to the era of Emperor Constantine. The temple ruins were found in Spello, a historic hilltop town famous during the Middle Ages. Its location is approximately 160 kilometers north of Rome. It is believed that this temple dates back to the reign of Constantine from 324 to 337. Constantine granted permission to the local inhabitants to celebrate their religious day within the country on the condition that they build a temple to honor Constantine's ancestors and worship them.

Ilmuwan Temukan Kuil Ajaran Sesat Zaman Romawi di Bawah Lahan Parkir

Although Emperor Constantine was the first Christian among the Roman emperors, his request to the people of Spello signifies his respect for the ancient belief known as the "Cult of the Empire."

This cult involves the worship of the emperor and their family as gods, a practice that began after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. According to experts, this reflects that the transition from paganism to Christianity did not happen quickly. "This temple shows the continuity between the classical pagan world and the early Roman Christian world, which is often blurred or erased from historical narratives," explains Boin.

Ilmuwan Temukan Kuil Ajaran Sesat Zaman Romawi di Bawah Lahan Parkir

After further excavation, the team discovered a hidden temple wall beneath the parking lot.

"There is evidence from all over the Roman world that Christian rulers supported the practice of imperial cult," said Boin.

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