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The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags:

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Important Criteria for a Husband According to Islam that Muslim Women Should Know, Complete with Prayers for the Best Match".

"Dream - The criteria for a prospective husband according to Islam is important to be known by Muslim women. Dream friends certainly hope for a righteous husband, right? A righteous husband will not only treat you with the best, but also have good knowledge in religion. So, in the future, you will truly be guided by an imam towards the path blessed by Allah SWT. To be able to find a good and righteous husband, it may need to be assisted with prayers."

In addition, continuously improving oneself is also equally important because a partner is a reflection of ourselves. Here are the criteria for a prospective husband according to Islam as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Kriteria Calon Suami Menurut Islam yang Penting Diketahui Kaum Muslimah, Lengkap dengan Doa Mohon Jodoh Terbaik
Kriteria Calon Suami Menurut Islam

"Criteria for Prospective Husband According to Islam"

A good husband according to Islam must have good character and morals, such as honesty, fairness, patience, and responsibility.

In addition, knowledge of the Quran is also important, because as the head of the family, a husband must be able to provide guidance and example based on religious teachings. Good behavior is also an important criterion, including in interacting with others and maintaining relationships with the wife and family. Economic sufficiency also needs to be considered, so that the husband is able to meet the needs of the family and not get trapped in usury or unpaid debts.

In addition, love, health, and fertility are also important considerations in finding a good husband. A husband who has love will be able to maintain the happiness of the family, while health and fertility are important aspects in ensuring the continuity of offspring. By considering the criteria of a husband according to Islam, it is hoped that the prospective husband can become a good leader for the family.

And able to play a role in maintaining the harmony and happiness of the family according to the teachings of Islam.

Kriteria Calon Suami Menurut Islam yang Penting Diketahui Kaum Muslimah, Lengkap dengan Doa Mohon Jodoh Terbaik
Prayer for the Best Match According to Islam

Prayer for the Best Match According to Islam

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The prayer for the best match in Islam is a very important prayer for everyone who wants to find a good life partner."

One of the prayers that can be recited is: "Rabbana hablana min azwajina wadhuriyyatina qurrata a'yunin wa-j'alna lil-muttaqina imama." It means: "Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous." (Quran, Al-Furqan: 74) In addition, Islam also teaches to choose a good spouse by considering religion, character, and personality that align with Islamic teachings.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said, "A woman is married for four reasons: her wealth, her lineage, her beauty, and her religion. So choose the religious one, and you will be successful." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) Therefore, praying for the best partner in Islam should be accompanied by effort and actions in accordance with the teachings of the religion. We should ask Allah SWT to grant us the best spouse while also preparing ourselves to be a good life partner according to the teachings of Islam.

Tips Choosing a Future Husband

Choosing a righteous husband is a very important decision in someone's life. Here are some tips that can help you in choosing a righteous husband:

Tips Choosing a Future Husband

Religious Devotion: Make sure the prospective husband has a strong devotion to religious teachings. A righteous husband will understand and fulfill his religious obligations wholeheartedly. Morality and Ethics: Choose someone who has good morals and ethics. A righteous husband will have integrity, honesty, and a good attitude towards others.

Balance between the World and the Hereafter: A righteous husband should not only care about worldly life but also pay attention to preparations for the Hereafter. The balance between the world and the Hereafter is a sign of wisdom and spiritual awareness. Communicate Well: Choose a prospective husband who can communicate well. Good communication skills are essential in married life, including expressing feelings and needs of each other.

Empathy and Care: A righteous husband should have empathy and care towards the needs and feelings of his wife and other family members. Willingness to help and support each other is key in a healthy relationship. Education and Self-Development: Choose a prospective husband who has the enthusiasm to continue learning and growing both spiritually and intellectually. Continuous education and self-development are signs of someone's seriousness in achieving maturity and wisdom.

Potential as Family Leader: A righteous husband should have the potential to become a good family leader. This not only means having the courage to make decisions, but also taking responsibility for the family's life.

Willing to Accept and Assist in Difficulties: Choose a prospective husband who is ready to help and support in times of hardship. Willingness to face challenges together and build a life together is a sign of maturity and strength in a relationship.

Prayer and Istikharah: Before making a decision, take the time to pray and seek guidance from Allah. Istikharah is a special prayer to ask for guidance in making important decisions, including choosing a prospective husband. Consultation with Family and Trusted Individuals: Involve family and trusted individuals in the decision-making process. They can provide valuable perspectives and advice to help you make wise decisions.

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