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Portrait of Andi Jerni, a Brave Young Karateka Who Dares to Respond to Megawati's Statement, Turns Out to Have a Plethora of Achievements!

Portrait of Andi Jerni, a Brave Young Karateka Who Dares to Respond to Megawati's Statement, Turns Out to Have a Plethora of Achievements!

Andi Jerni has received many medals in various competitions both domestically and internationally.

Dream – Not long ago, the figure of Andi Jerni successfully caught the attention of netizens. Because he bravely gave a sharp response when responding to the statement of the 5th President of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri. At that time, Megawati questioned the contribution of young people to the country. According to her, the current millennial generation who already know technology, actually participate in more demonstrations.

"As the millennial generation, I want to ask what is the contribution of the millennial generation today, who already know technology that can make us go viral? What is your contribution to this nation and country, besides just participating in demonstrations? I don't care if I get bullied. If someone says otherwise, tell them to come and talk to me,""

say Megawati.


The statement from Megawati was then responded with a sharp answer by Andi Jerni in the comment column. "Ma'am, I apologize, but I have often contributed medals for Indonesia. Besides selling your father's name, what else can you do when you were young?" commented Andi Jerni.

Potret Andi Jerni Karateka Muda yang Berani Balas Pernyataan Megawati, Ternyata Punya Segudang Prestasi!
Potret Andi Jerni Karateka Muda yang Berani Balas Pernyataan Megawati, Ternyata Punya Segudang Prestasi!

The courage of Andi Jerni's response was sharp, which made netizens curious about the beautiful woman's figure. So what does her portrait look like? Check out the following review.

Potret Andi Jerni Karateka Muda yang Berani Balas Pernyataan Megawati, Ternyata Punya Segudang Prestasi!
Andi Jerni

"Andi Jerni"

This is a portrait of the owner with the full name Andi Mesyara Jerni Maswara. He was born in Makassar on September 23, 1999.

Atlet Karate

Karate Athlete

Apparently, Andi Jerni is a karate athlete. He even wears a black belt which indicates the highest level in karate.

Potret Andi Jerni Karateka Muda yang Berani Balas Pernyataan Megawati, Ternyata Punya Segudang Prestasi!
Segudang Prestasi

"Segudang Prestasi" translates to "A Plethora of Achievements" in English.

During his career as an athlete, Andi Jerni has been recorded to have received many medals in various competitions both domestically and abroad.

"Deputy Indonesia"

One of them is Andi Jerni who was appointed by PB FORKI as one of the athletes to represent Indonesia in the World Karate Federation (WKF) world championship in 2017.

Potret Andi Jerni Karateka Muda yang Berani Balas Pernyataan Megawati, Ternyata Punya Segudang Prestasi!
Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi

Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Translated: Bachelor of Communication Science

Apparently Andi Jerni is also a graduate from Bina Nusantara University (Binus) with a degree in S.I.Kom. He has also worked as an Internal News Reporter for TVR Parliament of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Daftar Caleg

"List of Candidates"

Now Andi Jerni seems to be serious about the political world. Currently, he is running as a candidate for the Indonesian People's Representative Council (DPR-RI) from the South Sulawesi 2 electoral district.

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