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"Do not miss it, this is the practice of the month of Rajab and its prayers, the opportunity to receive as many rewards as possible."

Dream - The practice of the month of Rajab is important to be known by Muslims. Because in this month, it becomes a highly honored month by Allah SWT. The specialness of the month of Rajab needs no doubt, especially by Muslims. In several hadiths, the Prophet has explained about its various virtues that would be a pity if they are missed. The practices of the month of Rajab that are performed can bring abundant rewards. So, make use of that time to perform various recommended practices in Islam.

Well, here are the practices of the month of Rajab along with the readings of prayers that can be practiced as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Jangan Dilewatkan, Inilah Amalan Bulan Rajab dan Bacaan Doanya, Kesempatan Dapat Pahala Sebanyak-banyaknya
Keistimewaan Bulan Rajab dan Dalilnya

"The Virtue of the Month of Rajab and Its Evidence"

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The month of Rajab has a special virtue in the religion of Islam. One of them is that the rewards of worship performed in this month will be multiplied."

The evidence is the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha'ban is my month, and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah." In addition, the month of Rajab is also a month prohibited for fighting except in self-defense. This is as stated in the hadith narrated by Bukhari, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Rajab is a respected month and it is prohibited to fight in it."

Ulama such as Imam Nawawi and Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani explained that the month of Rajab has special significance for performing voluntary fasting. They also emphasized that there are no specific recommended acts of worship during the month of Rajab, but it is advised to increase worship in general. With these virtues, Muslims are invited to take advantage of the month of Rajab by increasing their acts of worship, fasting, and prayer in order to receive blessings from Allah SWT.

Important Events in the Month of Rajab

The month of Rajab is one of the months that has many virtues and nobilities in the religion of Islam.

Peristiwa Penting di Bulan Rajab

In this month there are several important events that are part of the history of Islam. One of them is the liberation of Baitul Maqdis in Palestine during the time of Khalifah Umar bin Khattab. This event took place in 638 AD, where Baitul Maqdis was successfully liberated from the rule of the Roman Empire. In addition to the liberation of Baitul Maqdis, there are other important events in the month of Rajab such as Isra' Mi'raj, the birth of Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib, and the marriage of Prophet Muhammad saw with Siti Khadijah.

The specialness of the month of Rajab is also reflected in the virtue of fasting in this month. Fasting in the month of Rajab is considered as an act of worship that has great rewards and can bring blessings to Muslims. In this noble month, it also becomes a momentum to increase the practice of Rajab with worship, prayer, and remembrance of Allah. Therefore, Muslims are encouraged to increase acts of goodness and improve their relationships with fellow human beings as well as with the Creator.

By paying attention to the virtues and important events in the month of Rajab, Muslims are expected to increase their worship and fill this month with acts of goodness.

"Practices in the Month of Rajab and Their Recitations"

In the month of Rajab, Muslims are encouraged to increase their worship and attain blessings. One of the recommended practices in the month of Rajab is voluntary fasting.

In addition, night prayer is also highly recommended to be performed in the month of Rajab. Do not forget, remembrance, charity, and reading the Qur'an are also very good practices to be done in this month. The intention for fasting the voluntary fast in the month of Rajab is as follows: "I intend to fast tomorrow as an expiation for the obligatory fast of the month of Rajab, seeking the pleasure of Allah." As for the prayer for night prayer in the month of Rajab, it is as follows: "O Allah, make me steadfast in performing night prayer at home and from You, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor."

Then, the recitation of remembrance prayers in the month of Rajab is: "Subhanallah walhamdulillah wa laa ilaha illallah wallahu akbar." For Dream friends who want to give charity in the month of Rajab, the prayer recitation is as follows: "Allahumma inni sadaqatu laka fii hadza shahri Rajab wa nawaytu fiihi as-sawmu fardhalil-lahi ta'ala." And for the recitation of prayers while reading the Quran in the month of Rajab, it is as follows: "Allahumma ahsan fiqaha wa taqabbal kira-ati."

Performing acts of worship in the month of Rajab is very important because this month is considered as one of the blessed and virtuous months. By carrying out worship practices in the month of Rajab, it is believed that Muslims can receive multiplied rewards.

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