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9 Oldest Sea Animals in the World that are Still Alive Today

9 Oldest Sea Animals in the World that are Still Alive Today

Billions of years ago, the early forms of life on Earth originated from the ocean. The rich diversity of marine life became an important part of our ecosystem. Although most prehistoric marine animals became extinct as part of evolution, some still survived. These species have endured for millions of years despite all the changes around them. Check out the review of the oldest living marine animals to date.

9. Sturgeon fish (174 million years)

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The name Sturgeon describes 29 species of fish from the Acipenseridae family. This species is considered endangered. The oldest sturgeon fossil dates back to the Middle Jurassic period (174-163.5 million years ago). It is believed to have evolved from a group of fish known as palaeonisciforms, which appeared 419 million years ago."

9. Ikan sturgeon (174 juta tahun)
8. Udang Kecebong (365 juta tahun)

8. Shrimp Kecebong (365 million years)

This animal lives in temporary ponds and shallow lakes. They have a wide, flat carapace at the front end and a long, slender abdomen. The oldest fossil was found in Belgium.

7. Coelacanth Fish (410 million years)

Ikan coelacanth adalah jenis ikan yang ditemukan di sekitar Kepulauan Comoro di lepas pantai tenggara Afrika dan Indonesia. Fosil coelacanth tertua yang diketahui berusia lebih dari 410 juta tahun.

7. Coelacanth Fish (410 million years)
6. Hiu Greenland (450 juta tahun)

6. Greenland Shark (450 million years)

One of the largest shark species still alive. Greenland sharks are mostly found in the cold depths of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. It is estimated that Greenland sharks can live up to 500 years.

5. Lamprey (450 million years)

5. Lamprey (450 million years)
4. Kepiting Tapal Kuda (480 juta tahun)

4. Horsehoe Crab (480 million years)

One of the animal groups that still exist since ancient times. They live in shallow coastal waters on the seabed. Therefore, they are often found during low tide and high tide in the spring.

3. Nautilus (500 million years)

Nautilus is known as a living fossil. They have been around for over 500 million years and have remained relatively unchanged. Early examples had straight shells, as found in the extinct genus Lituites.

3.Nautilus (500 juta tahun)
2. Jellyfish (Possibly 700 million years)

2. Jellyfish (Possibly 700 million years)

Jellyfish is the oldest group of multiorgan animals. It can be found both in surface waters and in the deep sea. There are two types of scyphozoans: the free-swimming medusa and the sessile.

1. Sponge/Coral (Possibly 890 million years)

The oldest surviving marine animal. Although it is uncertain when they first appeared in the world, fossils found in 2019 indicate that they are at least 890 million years old.

1. Spons/Bunga Karang (Mungkin 890 juta tahun)
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