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"Jihad of Muslim Women in the Modern Era that Can Bring Abundant Rewards, Women Must Know"

Jihad in the present time is not the same as jihad during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Dream - Jihad in the present time is certainly different from the time of the Prophet Muhammad saw. In the time of the Prophet, the jihad that was carried out was to fight against the enemy on the battlefield. There were even women who directly participated in the battlefield. However, based on the consensus of scholars, women are not obligated to participate in jihad against the enemy. So, what is the jihad of Muslim women in the present time? Where through this jihad, abundant rewards can be obtained.

The following is the struggle of Muslim women in the present time as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Jihad Kaum Muslimah di Zaman Sekarang yang Bisa Datangkan Limpahan Pahala, Perempuan Wajib Tahu
Bedanya Jihad Sekarang dengan Zaman Rasulullah

The difference between Jihad now and during the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

The difference in the implementation of jihad during the time of the Prophet Muhammad and the present time can be seen from the understanding and role of women in jihad.

During the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the role of women in jihad was more limited to supporting the troops and taking care of the mujahideen. They also helped in meeting logistical needs, such as providing water and medical care. Whereas nowadays, women are also actively involved in various forms of jihad, both physically and non-physically, including direct involvement in the battlefield.

The concept of jihad in the context of global security regulated by the UN also differs from the concept of jihad in Islam. The UN regulates global security based on international law, while in Islam, jihad has a broader dimension, not only limited to physical conflict, but also includes the struggle to improve the quality of life, combat evil, and fight against oppression.

This can affect the implementation of jihad in Islam, because sometimes there is tension between the concept of jihad in Islam and the concept of global security regulated by the United Nations. The history of the development of jihad in the context of history and modern understanding reflects changes in the perception and implementation of jihad in society today. Analysis of these changes indicates the need to unite the concept of jihad with the values of peace, justice, and diversity in the current Islamic society.

"Jihad Perempuan dalam Hadis Nabi" translates to "Women's Jihad in the Prophet's Hadith" in English.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: Jihad of women in the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) includes various forms, including non-qital jihad and qital jihad.

Jihad non-qital includes humanitarian efforts, such as providing assistance to those in need, spreading goodness, and educating future generations. The Prophet also taught jihad for justice, such as advocating for women's rights and the rights of the weak. Additionally, jihad for civilization is also taught, such as promoting knowledge, art, and culture. The Prophet also emphasized that jihad is not limited to men, but applies to women as well.

The translation of the text while preserving the HTML tags is as follows:

Hadith of the Prophet teaches that the pilgrimage is the main jihad for women, which shows the importance of women's role in fulfilling religious obligations and strengthening the teachings of Islam. Thus, the understanding of women's jihad should encompass various forms of jihad that are not solely related to war, but also include efforts to strive for humanity, justice, and civilization in accordance with the true teachings of religion.

Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam once said that the jihad of women is to perform the hajj, because women who are able to perform the pilgrimage will receive great rewards and forgiveness from Allah. In addition, obedience to the husband is also part of the jihad for women. This obedience has a high value in the sight of Allah, and will bring abundant rewards to women who perform it sincerely.

Amalan Perempuan yang Memudahkan Masuk Surga

"Amalan Perempuan yang Memudahkan Masuk Surga" translates to "Actions of Women that Facilitate Entry into Heaven" in English.

"For women, there are several recommended practices to easily enter heaven."

First, establish the five daily prayers according to the teachings of Islam. Second, be kind to your parents because the pleasure of Allah lies in the pleasure of your parents. Third, preserve your honor and guard your gaze to avoid indecent acts. Fourth, give charity according to your ability to help others. Fifth, read the Quran regularly and study the teachings of Islam to enhance faith and belief. Sixth, observe proper manners when entering a house by greeting and speaking softly.

"In the hadith it is mentioned that those who take good care of their daughters will receive great rewards. By practicing these actions, Muslim women will be facilitated by Allah SWT to enter paradise."

Jihad Kaum Muslimah di Zaman Sekarang yang Bisa Datangkan Limpahan Pahala, Perempuan Wajib Tahu
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