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Coming from an Unexpected Direction, This is a Prayer for Blessings and Abundance to Flow

Coming from an Unexpected Direction, This is a Prayer for Blessings and Abundance to Flow

Own fortune actually not always in the form of material. But it can also be in other forms.

Dream - Prayers for sustenance to flow and be blessed are important to always be practiced in daily life. Sustenance itself is not solely material. But it can also be in other forms, such as a harmonious family, a comfortable job, good friends, and so on. Sustenance only comes from Allah SWT. Therefore, as Muslims, we should ask for sustenance from Allah SWT through prayers for sustenance to flow and be blessed.

Well, here is a prayer for blessings and abundant sustenance as compiled by Dream from various sources.

Coming from Unexpected Directions, Here's a Prayer for Blessings and Abundance of Provision
Rezeki dalam Pandangan Islam

"Rezeki dalam Pandangan Islam" translates to "Provision in the Islamic Perspective" in English.

Fortune in Islam is seen as something that has been predetermined by Allah SWT for every servant of His.

Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith provide guidance on sustenance, stating that Allah is the creator of sustenance and He gives it to whom He wills. Humans need to strive to obtain sustenance, but the sustenance given by Allah is not only in the form of wealth and riches, but also includes health, happiness, and everything that brings benefit. The principles of giving sustenance according to Islam emphasize the importance of relying on Allah and striving earnestly.

Human beings need to work hard to seek sustenance, but at the same time, they must believe that sustenance comes from Allah. This is confirmed in the Qur'an, At-Talaq verse 3, which states that whoever fears Allah, He will make a way out for them and provide sustenance from unexpected sources. The process of providing sustenance according to Islam also emphasizes the importance of sharing sustenance with others and being grateful for all the sustenance that Allah has given.

By understanding the Islamic perspective on sustenance, Muslims are taught to be more patient, trusting in God's will, and grateful for all the blessings bestowed upon them by Allah SWT.

Coming from Unexpected Directions, Here's a Prayer for Blessings and Abundance of Provision

"Amalan Pembuka Pintu Rezeki" translates to "Practice to Open the Door of Blessings" in English.

"Smooth sustenance can be obtained by performing several good deeds. Among these good deeds are as follows:"

1. Dhuha Prayer

Salat Dhuha is a highly recommended practice for opening the door of sustenance. Taking the time in the morning to worship can attract blessings and abundance of sustenance. The benefits of Salat Dhuha include bringing blessings, cleansing the heart, as well as bringing happiness and peace.


2. Istighfar

Saying istighfar regularly can cleanse our sins and open closed doors of sustenance. By seeking forgiveness from Allah, we will receive blessings and abundant sustenance.


3. Charity

Sedekah is one of the deeds that can open the door to sustenance. Giving a portion of our sustenance to those in need not only helps others, but also opens up a wider path of sustenance for us. The benefits of sedekah include gaining rewards, purifying wealth, and opening up the path of sustenance.


4. Opening Doors of Blessings Zikir

Remembering Allah with certain dhikr (remembrance) can also help open the door to sustenance. When the heart is calm and full of love for Him, sustenance will come naturally.

4. Opening Doors of Blessings Zikir

5. Prophet's Sholawat

Saying blessings to Prophet Muhammad is also a practice that can open the door to sustenance. This beloved of Allah causes a rain of sustenance, opens the door of provision, and erases sins.


By doing those practices regularly, it is hoped that we can open the door of blessings and abundance of sustenance.

Coming from Unexpected Directions, Here's a Prayer for Blessings and Abundance of Provision
oa Supaya Rezeki Mengalir dan Berkah

oa Supaya Rezeki Mengalir dan Berkah Translation: How to Make Blessings and Fortune Flow

Prayer for sustenance to flow and be blessed is a daily practice that is very important in the life of a Muslim. Here is the daily recitation of the prayer that can be practiced.

"Rabbisyrah lee shadri" means "O my Lord, expand my chest." "Wayassir lee amri" means "And make my task easy for me." "Wahlul 'uqdatan mir lisaani" means "And remove the knot from my tongue."

"Yafqahu qawli" means "So that they understand my words."5. "Innaka anta ta'lamul-guyoob" means "Indeed, You are the Knower of the unseen." This prayer can be practiced daily to open the doors of sustenance and seek smoothness in our affairs. Hopefully, by practicing the prayer for the flow of sustenance, we can achieve blessings and lawful sustenance in our daily lives."

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