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<Pemprov Banten Kejar Target Pendapatan Rp8,3 Triliun, Optimis Tercapai Akhir 2023>
The Banten Provincial Government Pursues Revenue Target of Rp8.3 Trillion, Optimistic to be Achieved by the End of 2023.

The Banten Provincial Government Pursues Revenue Target of Rp8.3 Trillion, Optimistic to be Achieved by the End of 2023.

Pemprov Banten Kejar Target Pendapatan Rp8,3 Triliun, Optimis Tercapai Akhir 2023

Dream - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Banten is currently accelerating its target revenue of around Rp8.3 trillion or more by the end of 2023. Where Rp5.7 trillion of it comes from Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) around Rp5.7 trillion.

"End of Year Achieved"

Pj Sekda Provinsi Banten Virgojanti is optimistic that the revenue target can be achieved. Moreover, he has established communication with regencies and cities and synergized in optimizing regional income.


"Coordination meeting is conducted to optimize revenue targets in 2023. As well as preparation to face revenue performance targets in 2024."
He said after opening the Coordination Meeting for Optimizing Regional Income throughout Banten Province in 2023 at Horison Grand Serpong Hotel, Tangerang City, on Wednesday, November 22, 2023.


Pemprov Banten Kejar Target Pendapatan Rp8,3 Triliun, Optimis Tercapai Akhir 2023

Referring to Law Number 1 of 2022 regarding Financial Relations between the Central Government and Regional Governments, there is something compiled well.

"His efforts are not only ours alone in terms of this income. Banten Province not only does it alone, but also has to coordinate and communicate with all levels of the Revenue Office of the District/City."
"ungkap Virgojanti." translates to "revealed Virgojanti."



"There are several new things that need to be followed up. Among them, every income we receive is directly shared with the District/City Government. This is recorded by the District/City Government as local revenue."
"imbuhnya" translates to "addition."


Pemprov Banten Kejar Target Pendapatan Rp8,3 Triliun, Optimis Tercapai Akhir 2023

Explained, it is a new step on one side. For the government of the District/City, having additional fresh funds that can be directly used for budgeting financing for development.

"Hopefully, this will have a positive impact on the implementation of development in the region. Providing a positive impact in order to provide better service,"
"tuturnya" in English is "he/she said."


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