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Potret Gibran Penuhi Panggilan Bawaslu Soal Bagi-Bagi Susu di CFD, Didampingi Eks Stafsus Jokowi

Portrait of Gibran Fulfills Bawaslu's Call Regarding Milk Sharing at CFD, Accompanied by Former Jokowi Staff

Dream - Vice presidential candidate (cawapres) number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, responded to the summons from the Bawaslu Central Jakarta regarding the distribution of milk on car free day (CFD) in Jakarta at the beginning of December 2023. Gibran arrived at the Bawaslu Central Jakarta Secretariat at 13.35 WIB, wearing a brown shirt.

The eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) admitted that there was no special preparation to meet with the leadership of Bawaslu. "There is no preparation," said Gibran, quoted from, Wednesday, January 3, 2024.

Portrait of Gibran Responds to Bawaslu's Call for Milk Distribution at CFD, Accompanied by Former Jokowi Staff

"He then entered the building to meet the leaders of Bawaslu Central Jakarta. Gibran was seen accompanied by the Deputy Secretary of the National Campaign Team (TKN) Prabowo-Gibran, Aminuddin Ma'ruf."

Then, there is Deputy Chairman of the National Prabowo-Gibran Campaign Team, Habiburokhman, and the Legal and Advocacy Team Command of the Prabowo-Gibran TKN, Hinca Pandjaitan. Habiburokhman said, his and Gibran's visit to the Central Jakarta Bawaslu office was to hear what Central Jakarta Bawaslu wanted to ask about milk distribution.

Besides that, Gibran wants to clarify whether the matter is the same as the one decided by Bawaslu where he was declared innocent. "If it is the same, it means it's called Ne Bis In Idem, of course it cannot be early. That's why as a law-abiding citizen, Mas Gibran insists on being present today," said Habiburokhman.

Portrait of Gibran Responds to Bawaslu's Call for Milk Distribution at CFD, Accompanied by Former Jokowi Staff

According to him, TKN feels that the summoning of Gibran by Bawaslu Central Jakarta is too excessive. Habiburokhman also suspects whether there are any political indications related to Gibran's summoning.

"What we feel, yes. We receive input from the community, what else? Is there any indication or possibility that there are individuals here playing politics, wanting to corner and so on. But we have to assume good intentions, of course, we have to see first, we have to meet first."
tutur Habiburokhman.


Portrait of Gibran Responds to Bawaslu's Call for Milk Distribution at CFD, Accompanied by Former Jokowi Staff

"Previously, the Central Jakarta General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) planned to summon vice presidential candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, to seek clarification regarding the distribution of milk in the Motor Vehicle-Free Day (HBKB) area in Jakarta."

"Invitation (Gibran's clarification) at 13.00 WIB, on January 2nd, 2024,"
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "word member of Bawaslu Central Jakarta Dimas Trianto Putro".


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