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Terungkap Masa Lalu Arya Wedakarna, Senator Bali yang Dikecam Rasis ke Wanita Berhijab<br>

"Unveiling the Past of Arya Wedakarna, a Balinese Senator who was Criticized for Racism against Women in Hijab"

Dream - Senator Bali and member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia from the province of Bali, Arya Wedakarna, is currently under scrutiny due to his statement that is considered racist. When leading a meeting of the DPD with the Head of Customs Bali Nusa Tenggara and the Head of Customs at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, he mentioned the issue of the hijab worn by Muslim women. Loudly, Arya stated that he dislikes airport personnel who are in the front line and wear a head covering or hijab. According to him, the personnel at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport would be better replaced with Balinese girls, with their hair flowing and uncovered.

The translation of the text "Kontroversi Arya Wedakarna" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is "Controversy of Arya Wedakarna".

The statement instantly received criticism from various parties. Several controversies surrounding Arya Wedakarna also surfaced to the public.

The translation of the text

"Considered Racist"

Arya said that he dislikes airport officers who are at the front line, specifically a woman wearing a head covering or hijab. According to him, the airport officers at I Gusti Ngurah Rai should be replaced with Balinese girls, with their hair loose and uncovered.

"I don't want someone from the front line, the front line, I want a Balinese girl like you, with her hair open. Don't give me someone who covers up, unclear covers, this is not the Middle East. Bali is nice, wearing flowers or whatever."
say Arya.

instagram aryawedakarna

Mengaku Raja Majapahit translates to "Claiming to be the King of Majapahit" in English.

Arya Wedakarna claimed to be the King of Majapahit on December 31, 2009, when he was 29 years old. He claimed to be a descendant of the King of Majapahit and was inaugurated at Pura Besakih by Priest Siwa Budha.

Mengaku Raja Majapahit translates to

"False Confession"

However, the statement was immediately denied by Puri Jembrana figure, A.A. Gde Benny. The false statement made Arya reported to the Bali Regional Police on January 21, 2020 by the Bali Community Care Alliance. He is considered to have insulted the Sulinggih (Hindu Priest) and falsified his identity by claiming to be the King of Majapahit.


"Rejecting Sharia Banks in Bali"

Arya through his Facebook account asserts that he rejects Shariah Bank in Bali.

Menolak Bank Syariah di Bali

"The Indonesian Young Hindu Alliance and the Marhaen Youth Movement (GPM) are demonstrating today in front of the Bank Indonesia Denpasar Office for a moratorium/stop on permits for Sharia Banks on the Thousand Temples Island. Let the young Hindu voices be heard. Preserve the Pancasila economy! Carry on!!"
"tulisnya." translates to "write it."

instagram aryawedakarna

"Case of Assault"

"Rejecting Ustad Abdul Somad"

President of the Hindu Center of Indonesia is suspected to have rejected the presence of Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS) to preach in Bali on December 8, 2017. Through his Facebook account, Arya is suspected of accusing UAS as a preacher who is anti-Pancasila.

"Anyone can come to Bali, the Island of a Thousand Temples, even the King of Saudi Arabia is welcome to come to Bali for a vacation as long as there is no hidden political agenda. But of course Bali refuses if anyone comes to the Island of the Gods with an anti-Pancasila agenda," he wrote. In response to UAS's rejection at that time, Arya Wedakarna was reported by Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR Lukman Eddy to the Ethics Council of the Regional Representative Council (DPD)."

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