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Doa Meminta Kemudahan dan Kelancaran dalam Mencari Pekerjaan dan Tipsnya agar Persiapan Kamu Lebih Matang

Prayer for Ease and Smoothness in Job Searching and Tips for a More Mature Preparation

Dream - Finding a job is not an easy matter. Sometimes, even with a high level of education, someone still struggles to find work because they have to compete with other job seekers. In situations like this, my friend Dream, don't give up. Keep trying and don't forget to read prayers asking for ease and smoothness in finding a job. Like fate and death, sustenance is the secret of Allah SWT. My friend Dream, don't be afraid of that sustenance. Because Allah SWT has distributed it fairly and it cannot be exchanged.

Prayer asking for ease and smoothness in finding a job, insha Allah, will help you in obtaining a good job with lawful sustenance and blessings.

Prayer for Ease and Smoothness in Job Search and Tips to Better Prepare Yourself
Prayer for Ease and Smoothness in Job Search and Tips to Better Prepare Yourself

The following is a prayer for ease and smoothness in finding a job as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"Prayer for Ease and Smoothness in Finding a Job"

"For friends of Dream who are currently striving to find a job, keep trying and don't forget to read prayers asking for ease and smoothness as quoted from"

Doa Meminta Kemudahan dan Kelancaran Mencari Pekerjaan

Bismillahi 'alaa nafsi wa maalii wa diini. alloohumma rodhdhini bi qodhooika wa baarik lii fi maaquddiro' alaihi hatta laa uhibbu ta'jiila maa akhkhor ta walaa ta'khiiro maa 'ajjalta. Translation: "In the name of Allah, may You protect our souls, our wealth, and our religion. O Allah, be pleased with Your decrees and bless us in what You have ordained for us, so that we do not like what You have hastened and do not prefer what You have delayed."

"Prayer for Halal Sustenance"

"Allah, O Most Rich, O Most Praiseworthy, O Initiator, O Restorer, O Most Merciful, O Most Loving. Suffice us with Your halal (lawful) from Your haram (forbidden). Suffice us with Your grace from other than You. May Allah bestow His blessings and peace upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions."

Tips for Job Searching

Tips for Job Searching

"Finding a good job requires a well-thought-out strategy and preparation. Here are some tips to help Dream friends in the job search process:"

1. Know Yourself and Skills

Create a list of skills, experiences, and expertise that your Dream friend has. In addition, also identify the types of jobs that are suitable for your interests and abilities. So that, in the future, you truly understand the job and can enjoy doing it.

2. Create an Interesting CV and Cover Letter

Make sure your CV (Curriculum Vitae) is neat, clear, and easy to read, friend Dream. Don't forget to include relevant work experience, education, skills, and achievements. And write a specific cover letter for each position you apply for. Show why you are suitable for that position.

3. Utilize Networking

Friend Dream can contact friends, family, and professional acquaintances to search for job opportunities. Please participate in relevant networking events, seminars, or workshops in your field. Don't forget to also utilize platforms like LinkedIn to connect with other professionals and companies that you are interested in.

Prayer for Ease and Smoothness in Job Search and Tips to Better Prepare Yourself

4. Use Job Search Websites

Register yourself on job search sites like LinkedIn, JobStreet, Indeed, Glassdoor, and others. In addition, use advanced search features to find jobs that match your qualifications.


5. Prepare Yourself for an Interview

It is important to research about the company and the position that you, friend Dream, are applying for. Practice your answers to common interview questions. And prepare questions that you want to ask the interviewer.


6. Be Flexible and Realistic

"Open yourself up to various types of jobs, especially if your Dream friend is just starting their career. Don't hesitate to take temporary or internship jobs to gain experience."

Prayer for Ease and Smoothness in Job Search and Tips to Better Prepare Yourself

7. Pay Attention to the Company's Reputation

Do research on the company that your friend Dream is applying to, including the work culture, career prospects, and employee reviews. It is important to choose a company that has a good reputation and a work environment that aligns with your values.

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