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Nazilah Qunut Prayer for Palestine and Its Benefits, the Manifestation of Islamic Community Support.

Nazilah Qunut Prayer for Palestine and Its Benefits, the Manifestation of Islamic Community Support.

Qunut Nazilah Prayer for Palestine and Its Benefits, A Form of Support from the Muslim Community

Dream - Qunut nazilah prayer for Palestine is raised to ask Allah to always protect the mujahideen and the Palestinian people who are struggling against Israeli colonization.

The colonization and genocide efforts carried out by Israel against the Palestinian people are still ongoing to this day. The people in Gaza no longer feel peace as Israeli bombs are launched every moment, destroying buildings, homes, places of worship, and hospitals. The international community, except for the United States, which acts as a "protecting country," strongly condemns Israel's actions of continuously bombing Palestine and killing civilians. As humans, it is only fitting that we have empathy and always pray for the Palestinian people and their fighters in their struggle for independence.

"Strongly Rejecting Colonialism"

As Indonesian citizens, we should support the independence of Palestine. This is stated in the 1945 Constitution which states, "colonialism in the world must be abolished." Even our first president once said that Indonesia will always stand firm in rejecting Israeli colonization in the land of Palestine.

This is why it is important for fellow Muslims and fellow humans to pray for others who are oppressed and wronged, in this case the Palestinian people who are being colonized by Israel. Reading the nazilah qunut prayer for Palestine means praying for those who are struggling for the liberation of the land of Palestine from the hands of Israel.

"Angels Also Pray"

When we recite the nazilah qunut prayer for Palestine, the angels also pray and grant our prayers. That is why we should recite prayers for Palestine frequently so that they are always under the protection and assistance of Allah.


"Rasulullah SAW bersabda:" translates to "Prophet Muhammad PBUH said:" in English.

"There is no Muslim servant who is pleased to pray for his brother without the knowledge of the person being prayed for, except that the angels pray for the person who prays with the words 'You also get exactly the same as the prayer you uttered.'"


There are several prayers that Muslims around the world can offer for Palestine. One of these prayers is the recitation of the qunut nazilah prayer for Palestine, which is authorized by Rais Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar. This qunut nazilah prayer for Palestine is recited after the i'tidal in the last rakaat during the obligatory prayer.

"Doa Qunut Nazilah untuk Palestina" translates to "Nazilah Qunut Prayer for Palestine" in English.



Allâhumma innâ nasta‘înuka wa nastaghfiruka wa nastahdîka wa nu’minu bika wa natawakkalu ‘alayka wa nutsnî ‘alaykal khayra kullahu, nasykuruka wa la nakfuruka wa nakhla‘u wa natruku may yafjuruka. Allâhumma iyyaka na‘budu wa laka nushallî wa nasjudu wa ilayka nas‘â wa na‘îbfidu, narjû raḥmataka wa nakhsyâ ‘adhâbaka, inna ‘adhâbakal jidda bil kuffâri mulâbiqun. Allâhumma tsabbit ikhwânanal mujâhidîna fi Filistin, khusushan fi Ghazzah, wa‘abqin dimâ’ahum. Allâhumma ‘alayka bil Yahûd, ash-shuhyûniyyîna, al-mal‘ûnîna, wa anzil ghadhabaka ‘alayhim. Allâhumma-nshur dînaka wa kitâbaka wa sunnata nabiyyika Muḥammadin shallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

Meaning of Qunut Nazilah Prayer for Palestine

"O Allah, we seek Your help, we seek Your forgiveness, we seek Your guidance, we believe in You, we rely on You, we praise You with all goodness, we thank You and do not deny You. We disassociate ourselves and leave those who disobey You. O Allah, to You we are servants, to You we pray and prostrate, to You we strive and hasten."

We hope for Your mercy, and we fear Your punishment. Indeed, Your severe punishment is attached to the disbelievers. O Allah, strengthen our mujahideen brothers in Palestine, especially in Gaza, and protect their blood. O Lord, punish the cursed Zionist Jews and unleash Your wrath upon them. O Lord, support Your religion, Your book, and the sunnah of Your Prophet, Muhammad—may Allah bestow His mercy, honor, and peace upon him.

"Praying When There is a Calamity"

Why should we read qunut nazilah to pray for the mujahideen of Palestine? The answer is because qunut nazilah is a prayer that is practiced when an individual or group experiences a calamity, pandemic, epidemic, or the like. In this case, the colonization experienced by the Palestinian people is a condition that falls under calamity. Therefore, reading qunut nazilah is highly recommended for every Muslim.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Benefits of Reading Nazilah Qunut Prayer".

The importance of reading qunut nazilah in praying for the mujahidin of Palestine cannot be doubted. This prayer is uttered with the hope that they are protected and saved by Allah SWT from all disasters, calamities, and dangers. Here are some benefits of reading qunut nazilah in praying for the mujahidin of Palestine:


1. Defeating the Enemy

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The Qunut prayer is practiced to implore Allah SWT to assist the mujahideen in fighting against the wicked enemy. As narrated by Imam Bukhari from Ibn Umar, who heard the Prophet Muhammad SAW recite Qunut Nazilah when rising from the bowing position in the last unit of the Fajr prayer."


2. Fighting Against the Outbreak

Not only as a prayer for the mujahideen in Palestine, the recitation of qunut nazilah prayer is also practiced during times of epidemic and famine. Calamities and disease outbreaks often claim many victims, as we have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.


3. Please Help in Times of Difficulty

The recitation of qunut nazilah prayer is also performed when facing difficulties, with the hope of obtaining help from Allah SWT. Relying entirely on Allah SWT will make the burden of life feel lighter than just complaining without any real action.

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