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Rain Falls, Fire in the Mount Bromo Area Extinguished After a Week of Burning.

Rain Falls, Fire in the Mount Bromo Area Extinguished After a Week of Burning.

Rain Falls, Fire in Mount Bromo Area Extinguished After a Week of Burning

Dream - The fire on the savanna hill of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS), East Java, finally extinguished after being engulfed by the red dragon for over a week. The fire point that caused thick smoke in the famous travel destination was put out after rain fell on the ninth day of the Bromo fire. The rain was welcomed with gratitude by the surrounding residents.

The extinguishing of a number of fireflies in the area of Mount Bromo has been confirmed by the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Probolinggo Regency, Oemar Syarif.

Rain Falls, Fire in Mount Bromo Area Extinguished After a Week of Burning

"Alhamdulillah the cooling has been done and it has been confirmed to be extinguished, so the personnel and volunteers return to their respective posts."
The text translates to: "The word Oemar is quoted from, Thursday, September 14, 2023."

quoted from

Rain Falls, Fire in Mount Bromo Area Extinguished After a Week of Burning

"Although it has been confirmed to be extinguished, Oemar ensures that the institutions are currently still vigilant for the possibility of new fire spots in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area."

"Previously, the Rapid Reaction Team (TRC) of the BPBD Probolinggo Disaster Management, together with TNBTS, East Java BPBD, Tagana, TNI, Polri, and volunteers, have conducted manual monitoring and cooling in the area of Mount Bromo. 'Cooling is done using gepyok and watering using water tanks to prevent new fire spots in the sandy ocean area of Mount Bromo,' he said. According to him, dozens of BPBD Probolinggo personnel were deployed to assist joint officers in extinguishing forest fires in Teletubbies Hill and monitoring and ensuring that the fire spots are completely extinguished."

"Karhutla Gunung Bromo di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) yang berada di wilayah Kabupaten Probolinggo sudah clear atau padam, sehingga tenda siaga yang berada di lapangan Sukapura dibongkar,"" "Forest fires in Mount Bromo area within the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) located in Probolinggo Regency have been extinguished, so the emergency tents in Sukapura field have been dismantled,""

tutur Oemar

Rain Falls, Fire in Mount Bromo Area Extinguished After a Week of Burning

Given the text "Mengingat saat-saat memasuki puncak El Nino, ia mengimbau kepada para pengunjung dan masyarakat untuk tidak melakukan tindakan yang dapat memantik api dan menyebabkan kebakaran..", the translation to English while preserving any HTML tags would be: "Considering the moments entering the peak of El Nino, he urges visitors and the community not to take actions that can ignite fire and cause wildfires."

Due to the forest fire incident, the TNBTS Main Office has completely closed several tourist attractions in the national park area since September 10, 2023 at 19:00 WIB until an undetermined time.

Rain Falls, Fire in Mount Bromo Area Extinguished After a Week of Burning
Rain Falls, Fire in Mount Bromo Area Extinguished After a Week of Burning

In addition to being required to close all tourist visits, this fire also resulted in the closure of the road access between Malang-Lumajang-Malang. From this announcement, it is also confirmed that all tourist access to both Bromo and Ranu Regulo is also closed. The total closure is for the smoothness of firefighting efforts and to ensure the safety of the public passing through the TNBTS area.

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