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"Say this Prayer Sentence when Accepting Defeat, God willing, Emotions and Mental State will Always be Maintained and More Ready to Accept Reality"


Dream - In life, we are not always at the peak of victory. Defeat is an inseparable part of every human's journey. Accepting defeat with patience is one of the noble teachings in Islam that teaches us to remain steadfast and sincere in facing reality. Patience in accepting defeat not only shapes a strong character but also calms the heart and mind. Accompanied by prayer and trust in Allah, we are taught to always surrender, seek strength, and wisdom to be able to accept reality with an open heart.


"Prayer becomes a bridge that connects wounded hearts with inner peace, giving us the strength to rise and continue the struggle."

Say This Prayer Sentence When Accepting Defeat, God Willing Emotions and Mental State Will Always Be Maintained and More Ready to Accept Reality

"Thus, patience and prayer become important pillars in facing every trial of life, bringing us closer to His pleasure and grace. Below is a prayer sentence that should be uttered when facing defeat, as summarized by Dream through various sources."

The translation of

The translation of "Doa saat Mendapatkan Kekalahan" to English is "Prayer When Facing Defeat."

"When a friend of Dream is faced with a bitter reality in life or something that does not meet expectations, it is recommended to say the following sentence as quoted from"

"Hasbiyallāhu wa ni‘mal wakīl. Meaning: “Sufficient for me is Allah, and He is the best disposer of affairs.” This recommendation aligns with the following hadith: “From Auf bin Malik RA that the Messenger of Allah (saw) decided a matter between two people. The person in dispute, when turning away, said, ‘Hasbiyallāhu wa ni‘mal wakīl.’ The Messenger of Allah then said, ‘Allah condemns weakness. On the contrary, you must be strong. If you are afflicted by a problem, you should say, ‘Hasbiyallāhu wa ni‘mal wakīl,’” (HR Abu Dawud, An-Nasai, and Al-Baihaqi)."

What is the Attitude of a Muslim in Facing Defeat?

"In facing defeat, a Muslim is encouraged to show a wise and patient attitude. Here are some attitudes that are taught in Islam:"

Bagaimana Sikap Seorang Muslim dalam Menghadapi Kekalahan?

"1. Accept with Sincerity"

"A Muslim must accept defeat with sincerity, understanding that everything that happens is part of Allah's destiny. Accepting defeat with an open heart is a sign of submission to His will."

The translation of "2. Bersabar" to English while preserving the HTML tags is: "2. Be patient".

"Patience is the key in facing defeat. Allah SWT says in the Quran: "Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 153). By being patient, we demonstrate our faith and steadfastness."

"3. Self-Reflection"

"Defeat is the right moment for self-introspection. A Muslim should reflect on what can be learned from that defeat and strive to improve oneself and enhance abilities in the future."

Say This Prayer Sentence When Accepting Defeat, God Willing Emotions and Mental State Will Always Be Maintained and More Ready to Accept Reality

The translation of "4. Tetap Berdoa" to English is "4. Keep Praying".

"Prayer is a means to draw closer to Allah and seek His help. In facing defeat, a Muslim is encouraged to pray for tranquility of heart, strength, and wisdom."


"5. Avoiding Despair"

"Despair is an attitude that is forbidden in Islam. A Muslim must remain optimistic and believe that Allah always provides the best for His servants. Defeat can be the beginning of greater success if faced with spirit and conviction."

"6. Maintaining Morals and Ethics"

"In defeat, a Muslim must maintain morals and ethics. One should not show anger, resentment, or blame others. On the contrary, one must demonstrate sportsmanship and respect for the winning side."

Say This Prayer Sentence When Accepting Defeat, God Willing Emotions and Mental State Will Always Be Maintained and More Ready to Accept Reality

7. Trust in Allah.

"After making every possible effort, a Muslim must put their trust in Allah, surrendering the final outcome to Him. The belief that Allah is All-Knowing and All-Wise will bring a calmer heart in accepting every one of His decisions."

Say This Prayer Sentence When Accepting Defeat, God Willing Emotions and Mental State Will Always Be Maintained and More Ready to Accept Reality

"By practicing these attitudes, a Muslim can face defeat wisely and remain under the protection and mercy of Allah SWT."

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