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Mahasiswi Mabuk Tabrak IRT Sampai Meninggal, Ini Dia Dampak Negatif Khamr bagi Kehidupan Dunia dan Akhirat

"Student Drunk Crashes into Housewife Until Death, Here Are the Negative Impacts of Alcohol on Life in This World and the Hereafter"

"Dream - Alcohol or khamr is one of the substances that is prohibited in Islam due to its numerous negative impacts, which can be very fatal. Khamr, in Islamic terminology, includes all forms of intoxicating beverages that can impair reason, morality, and human health. Islam, as a religion that pays great attention to the welfare of its followers, establishes a strict prohibition against the consumption of khamr through various verses of the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)."

"This is due to the many negative impacts caused by consuming alcohol. One of them is a case that recently occurred, where a female student was known to have just consumed alcoholic beverages and was driving a car, hitting a housewife and causing her death."

Drunk College Student Hits Housewife Until Death, Here Are the Negative Impacts of Khamr on Life in This World and the Hereafter

"Considering the widespread negative impacts, the prohibition of khamr in Islam is not merely a legal decree, but also a manifestation of Allah SWT's compassion towards His people. Therefore, avoiding alcoholic beverages becomes one way to achieve a healthier, more prosperous, and blessed life in accordance with religious guidance. Below is an explanation of the consumption of khamr in Islam as summarized by Dream through various sources."

<b>Dalil tentang Larangan Mengonsumsi Khamr</b>

The translation of "Dalil tentang Larangan Mengonsumsi Khamr" to English is "Evidence regarding the prohibition of consuming Khamr".

Here is the translation with the HTML tags preserved: "Here are some verses from the Quran about the prohibition of consuming khamr that Dream friends need to know:"

"1. Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 219"

"They ask you about wine and gambling. Say: 'In both of them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit.' And they ask you what they should spend. Say: 'The excess [beyond needs].' Thus Allah makes clear the verses [of revelation] to you that you might give thought."

"2. Surah An-Nahl Verse 67"

"And from the fruits of date palms and grapes, you make intoxicating drinks and good provision. Indeed, in that is a sign for those who reflect."


"3. Surah Al-Maidah Verse 90"

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, sesungguhnya (meminum) khamar, berjudi, (berkorban untuk) berhala, mengundi nasib dengan panah, adalah termasuk perbuatan syaitan. Maka jauhilah perbuatan-perbuatan itu agar kamu mendapat keberuntungan." Translates to: "O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining by arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful."" (Note: The translation is done while preserving the original context and meaning.)


The translation of "Dampak Mengonsumsi Khamr" to English is "The Impact of Consuming Alcohol".

"Consuming khamr or alcoholic beverages has many negative impacts, which include aspects of physical, mental, social, and moral health. Here are some of the negative impacts:"

<b>Dampak Mengonsumsi Khamr</b>

"1. Impact on Physical Health"

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "Heart Damage: The consumption of alcoholic beverages can lead to liver diseases such as cirrhosis, where liver tissue becomes damaged and does not function properly. Digestive System Disorders: Alcohol can damage the stomach lining and cause gastritis, as well as increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancer."

Sure! Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "Penyakit Jantung: Alcohol can increase blood pressure and cause alcoholic cardiomyopathy, a condition where the heart muscle weakens and cannot pump blood effectively. Problems in the Nervous System: Excessive alcohol consumption can cause permanent damage to the brain and nervous system, as well as disrupt coordination and motor functions."

Drunk College Student Hits Housewife Until Death, Here Are the Negative Impacts of Khamr on Life in This World and the Hereafter

"2. Impact on Mental Health"

Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "K addiction and Dependence: Alcohol has addictive properties that can lead to addiction, where a person becomes physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol.
Mental Health Disorders: Excessive alcohol consumption can exacerbate mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.
Cognitive Function Decline: Alcoholic beverages can disrupt brain function, including memory, concentration, and decision-making."

"3. Social Impact"

Here's the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Kejahatan dan Kekerasan: Alcohol consumption is often associated with an increased risk of domestic violence, crime, and aggressive behavior. Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas: Drunk drivers have a high risk of being involved in traffic accidents that can result in serious injury or death. Masalah Keluarga: Alcohol can damage family relationships, cause household conflict, and decrease the quality of life for family members."

Drunk College Student Hits Housewife Until Death, Here Are the Negative Impacts of Khamr on Life in This World and the Hereafter

"4. Moral and Spiritual Impact"

Sure! Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "Mengurangi Ketakwaan: Dalam Islam, mengonsumsi khamr dianggap sebagai tindakan dosa yang mengurangi ketakwaan dan menghalangi seseorang dari menjalankan ibadah dengan benar.
Perilaku Menyimpang: Minuman keras dapat memicu perilaku yang bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai moral dan etika, seperti perzinaan, perjudian, dan tindakan tidak bermoral lainnya.
Mengabaikan Tanggung Jawab: Orang yang mabuk seringkali mengabaikan tanggung jawab mereka, baik dalam pekerjaan, keluarga, maupun masyarakat." Translation: "Reducing Piety: In Islam, consuming khamr is considered a sinful act that reduces piety and prevents a person from performing worship correctly.
Deviant Behavior: Alcohol can trigger behavior that is contrary to moral and ethical values, such as adultery, gambling, and other immoral actions.
Neglecting Responsibilities: Drunk individuals often neglect their responsibilities, whether in work, family, or society."

"Overall, the negative impact of consuming khamr or alcoholic beverages is very detrimental to both individuals and society. Therefore, Islam explicitly prohibits the consumption of khamr as a form of protection for its followers from various dangers."

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