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Apart from sin, this is the consequence of abandoning prayer, one of which is being cursed by food.

Apart from sin, this is the consequence of abandoning prayer, one of which is being cursed by food.

People who abandon prayer without any valid excuse, have committed a great sin.

Dream - Prayer is a very important worship in Islam because it is directly commanded by Allah SWT. So, every Muslim should not leave it. Because there are certainly risks that will be obtained if leaving the prayer, especially the obligatory prayer. Because of the importance of prayer, that's why parents usually teach their children about prayer from an early age. So they will not dare to underestimate prayer. So, what are the consequences if someone leaves the prayer? Here is the explanation as summarized by Dream from various sources.

Akibat Meninggalkan Sholat

"Consequences of Abandoning Prayer"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Prayer (Sholat) is obligatory. Therefore, a person who abandons prayer without any valid excuse has committed a grave sin."

Bahkan, the person will also be cursed in this world, one of them is from the food he consumes. Explained by Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawi Al-Maliki Al-Hasani through the book Qul Hadzihi Sabili, a person who abandons prayer will not receive help from Allah SWT. In addition, when he is sick, he will not be visited, and when he dies, his body will not be accompanied by angels. Furthermore, the food will also curse him.

It needs to be known by every Muslim that the first practice that will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment is prayer. They will be saved if their prayers are performed well. As the Prophet Muhammad said, "The first practice that will be accounted for by a servant on the Day of Judgment is their prayer. If their prayer is good, then they are fortunate and saved. If their prayer is flawed, then they will suffer loss and perish." (HR. Tirmidzi)

"Tips to be Diligent in Praying"

Cannot be denied that someone can be faced with laziness. However, do not leave the prayer. Quoted from, here are some tips to be diligent in praying:


1. Do not Delay Prayer

Delaying can make us lazy. Because the devil will continue to tempt us. So, when prayer time comes, immediately stop activities and prepare to perform prayer.


2. Befriending People Who Are Diligent in Prayer

"When we are close to someone who is diligent in praying, we will also be diligent in praying. Because that person will immediately go to pray when the time comes, and of course, it becomes an invitation in itself."

3. The Hell Punishment is Real

Hell is real. It is a place where people with minimal good deeds and actions outside the path of Allah SWT will be. Considering that hell is real, obligatory worship in the form of prayer should not be abandoned.

3. The Hell Punishment is Real

4. Ajal Datang Kapan Saja

Death can come at any time. Even though prayer is a practice for provision in the afterlife. Always remember about death, so it will awaken you to always be diligent in praying and doing it well.

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