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After Mars, Scientists Now Say Venus Can Also Be Inhabited by Humans.

After Mars, Scientists Now Say Venus Can Also Be Inhabited by Humans.

The nearest neighboring planet may be more hospitable to life than we previously thought. Venus has long been considered uninhabitable: its carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere is filled with strong yellow sulfuric acid clouds, and its surface is like a nightmare, with temperatures exceeding 850 degrees Fahrenheit and a pressure 93 times that of Earth's surface.

Setelah Mars, Kini Ilmuwan Sebut Venus Juga Bisa Dihuni Manusia

The latest research now suggests that some life ingredients may exist within those highly strong sulfuric acid clouds.

A pre-print paper on the arXiv server, which has not yet undergone formal peer review, found that amino acids, the building blocks of proteins and essential molecules for the existence of life, can remain stable when exposed to concentrated sulfuric acid. This implies that within thick sulfuric acid clouds, above intense heat and pressure on the surface of the planet, Venus could be a place capable of supporting life. Amino acids are often delivered to planets like Earth and Venus through meteors and other cosmic rocks.

"The discovery significantly expands the range of biologically relevant molecules that can be components of biochemistry based on concentrated sulfuric acid solvent," wrote the authors in the paper.

Previous research conducted by scientists found that nucleic acid bases—DNA building blocks—are also stable in concentrated sulfuric acid.


"The paper [this] clearly discusses the conditions in the clouds, at an altitude of 48-68 km (30-42 miles) where the temperature is right for liquid water to form droplets,"
David Rothery, a professor of planetary geosciences at the Open University of New York, England, told Newsweek.

Source: Newsweek

"Clouds are highly acidic because sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves in water to produce sulfuric acid. So the temperature is suitable for life, but the acid poses challenges. However, this paper shows (through experiments) that amino acids (essential for the life we know) can remain stable in such conditions."

This finding suggests that life can emerge in several different solvents, not just water, as suggested by the authors. However, any life that may have survived in the harsh conditions of Venus likely evolved a long time ago, when this planet was more similar to our Earth.

Source: Newsweek


"Microbial life can adapt to live in the clouds of Venus at present, but in my opinion, it is highly unlikely that life could have originated under current conditions."
"If there is life in the clouds of Venus, I estimate that it originated from life that began in a similar way to life on Earth, long ago (perhaps 3-4 billion years ago) when conditions on Venus may have been much more similar to early Earth (with liquid water oceans),""

word Rothery.


"When the 'uncontrolled greenhouse effect' on Venus causes evaporation and subsequently the loss of all water on this planet (except for what is in the clouds), life will become extinct except for microbes that already exist in the air, suspended in the atmosphere,"
He said.

Source: Newsweek

If life can evolve on this chaotic planet, of course, it will be very different from the kind of life we know on Earth.

Researchers hope to investigate whether this pathway could open up the possibility of life evolution on other planets, and explore whether chemical reactions may occur with amino acids in the Venusian cloud layer, about 30 to 40 miles above the surface.

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