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Musim Hujan Telah Tiba, Inilah Amalan Sunah Rasulullah yang Dianjurkan, Datangkan Berkah dan Rahmat-Nya

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The rainy season has arrived, here are the recommended Sunnah practices of the Prophet Muhammad, bring blessings and His mercy."

Dream - Rain is a blessing given by Allah SWT to every creature in the world. The water falling from the sky should not be ridiculed, but rather be a moment to be grateful as much as possible. In fact, the descent of rain has been explained through several verses in the Quran. The Prophet Muhammad also taught his ummah to perform sunnah practices when it rains. By being grateful and following the sunnah of the Prophet, God willing, we can obtain and feel the benefits of the rain that falls.

Well, here are some sunnahs during rain as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Sunna Practices, Apart from Prayers, in the Rainy Season as Taught by the Prophet, Bring His Blessings and Mercy
Hujan dalam Ayat Al-Quran

"Rain in the verses of the Quran"

Some verses of the Quran that describe rain as a blessing from the sky include Surah Al-A'raf verse 57, Surah Ar-Rum verse 48, and Surah Al-Mu'minun verse 18.

Rain is one of the blessings and grace from Allah SWT given to humans. Rain provides fertility to the soil, brings plants to life, nourishes the fields, and provides drinking water for humans and animals. Allah SWT says in Surah Al-A'raf verse 57: "And it is He who sends the winds as bringers of good tidings before His mercy (rain) comes."

until when the wind has brought dark clouds, We drive them to a barren land, then We send down rain in that area, and We bring forth various kinds of fruits because of that rain. This is how We resurrect the dead, so that you may take heed. "This verse shows how rain is a sign of the greatness of Allah SWT who revives the dead earth."

Rain is also considered a sign of the power and greatness of Allah SWT. In Surah Ar-Rum, verse 48, Allah SWT says: "Allah is the one who sends the wind, then the wind moves the clouds and Allah spreads them in the sky as He wills, and makes them clump together. Then you see rain coming out from between them, so when the rain falls on the servants of Allah whom He wills, suddenly they become joyful."

From this verse, we can see how rain is a sign of the power of Allah SWT, who revives the dead earth with His mercy. Therefore, rain is called a blessing from the sky because it brings great benefits to human life and the universe. It is also a sign of the greatness and power of Allah SWT, which should be appreciated by humans.

The meaning of rain in Islam as a blessing and an opportunity for gratitude.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The descent of rain to this world is a blessing bestowed by Allah SWT upon every creature. There are several meanings of rain in Islam that friends of Dream need to know."

The meaning of rain in Islam as a blessing and an opportunity for gratitude.

Rahmat dari Allah: Hujan is considered as a blessing from Allah to renew life on earth. Hujan brings much-needed water for plant growth, provides food for animals, and fertilizes the soil for agriculture. Ujian dan Peringatan: Hujan is also a test and warning from Allah. Floods and heavy rain can become natural disasters that threaten human life. This serves as a reminder to mankind of the greatness of Allah and His power over the universe.

Perfection of Creation: Rain is an example of the power and wisdom of Allah in creating the universe. By regulating the cycle of rain, Allah shows the order and harmony in nature. Signs of the Greatness of Allah: Rain provides an opportunity for human beings to reflect on the greatness of Allah. Seeing how Allah controls rain and its effects, we are reminded of Allah, the Most Glorious.

Opportunity to Give Charity: Rain also provides an opportunity for Muslims to perform acts of kindness by giving charity to those in need. Reminding of the Power of Allah: Rain reminds Muslims of the power of Allah over the universe and serves as a sign of His mercy. Bringing Happiness: Rain is often considered a sign of happiness in Islam, as it provides fertility to the land and life.

Opportunity to Seek Forgiveness: Rain is also considered a good time to seek forgiveness and blessings from Allah, as it is believed to be a time when prayers are accepted. Symbol of Eternal Life: In Islam, rain is considered a symbol of eternal life after death, as rain will make plants and flowers grow after the dryness of the earth. Opportunity to Give Thanks: Rain provides an opportunity for Muslims to give thanks for Allah's goodness in providing rain as a mercy and blessing for humanity.

Amalan saat Turun Hujan Sesuai Sunah Rasulullah SAW

Practice when it's raining according to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) teaches us to perform certain acts when it rains as a sign of Allah's mercy towards His people."

As a Muslim, we can practice this sunnah in several ways. First, the Prophet Muhammad showed an example by expressing gratitude for the rain, so we also need to convey our gratitude to Allah SWT. In addition, we can also take advantage of the rain to pray to Allah SWT. The Prophet Muhammad recommended praying when it rains as it is a time when prayers are more easily accepted.

Besides that, the Prophet also taught us to open the windows of the house when it rains to receive blessings from Allah SWT. Another sunnah practice is to give charity when it rains, to stay away from committing sins, and to recite Surah Al-Baqarah more frequently. Furthermore, the Prophet also advised to take a shower after the rain as a way to cleanse oneself from impurities and to receive blessings.

By practicing the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) when it rains, we can obtain blessings and mercy from Allah SWT and draw closer to Him.

Sunna Practices, Apart from Prayers, in the Rainy Season as Taught by the Prophet, Bring His Blessings and Mercy
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