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"Not Only Oarfish, These 11 Animals Are Believed to Be Disaster Indicators"

Animals recorded by divers in the waters of Taiwan generally inhabit depths ranging from approximately 700 to even 3,280 feet.

Tak Hanya Oarfish, 11 Hewan Ini Dipercaya Penanda Bencana

The Oarfish fish, which has a length between 1 and 7 meters, is often considered as a sign of an approaching tsunami.

Translated text: "According to, The Telegraph once wrote an article about oarfish appearing in the waters before earthquakes occurred in Chile and Haiti in 2010. However, scientists remain skeptical about the idea that the appearance of oarfish can be considered a sign of an earthquake. However, did you know that it's not just oarfish, there are 10 other animals that are often considered as signs of disasters. What are these animals? Let's take a look at the following list!"

1. Shark

1. Shark

Water animals, including sharks, are animals that have sensitivity to changes in water temperature. Sharks can predict the presence of storms and usually gather in areas where large storms are expected to occur. This behavior is triggered by their instinct to hunt for prey during storms.

<b>2. Burung Bangau</b>

2. Heron

"When the earthquake and tsunami disaster struck Aceh and Nias, there were signs given by the storks before the incident occurred."

Birds that usually engage in normal activities around the beach suddenly gather and fly away from the coastal area. This incident later led to the belief that herons are animals that can detect natural disasters.

<b>3. Ular </b>

3. Snake

This reptile is believed to be able to detect potential earthquake disasters. This incident was recorded when an earthquake struck China in the winter season.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Snakes that usually go into hibernation during the winter, instead come out of their hiding places and move away from the disaster center. This event raises the belief that snakes have the ability to give early signs of an earthquake."

<b>4. Katak </b>

4. Frog 

According to research from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, it is believed that frogs have the ability to detect earthquakes. In situations leading to an earthquake, it is highly likely that frogs will respond by moving away from the epicenter to save themselves.

5. Red Ant

5. Red Ant

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "A study conducted by Gabriele Berberich from the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany shows that ants have the ability to detect earthquakes. When an earthquake is about to occur, ants will actually remain vigilant at night, even though this makes them vulnerable to predator attacks."

The ability of ants to detect this disaster is based on changes in the electromagnetic field of the earth and the ability to sense carbon dioxide emissions before the disaster occurs. When these signs appear, ants will immediately disperse from their nests and evacuate to places considered safer.

6. Bee

6. Bee

"Bees have the ability to detect the humidity levels in the atmosphere."

The ability is beneficial for them to quickly take protective measures when humidity in the environment increases. When bees sense an increase in air humidity as a sign of rain, they will fly back to their hive.

7. Cat

7. Cat

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Beloved pets by many people, cats are also included in the category of animals capable of detecting natural disasters. Before a natural disaster occurs, cats often exhibit unusual behavior, such as becoming easily stressed and tending to be aggressive. It is estimated that cats can sense the threat of natural disasters through their sensitive hearing."

<b>8. Anjing</b>

8. Dog

Beside cats, pets that have the ability to predict extreme weather changes. Dogs, for example, often show reactions such as shivering and trembling before a thunderstorm occurs.

Dogs have a sense of smell that is 10,000 times more sensitive than humans. This allows dogs to smell or sense changes in air temperature before a storm or earthquake occurs.

<b>9. Gajah</b>

9. Elephant

"Before the earthquake and tsunami disaster occurred in Sri Lanka and India in 2005, there were signs visible from the unusual behavior of the elephants."

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The elephants suddenly roared and ran wildly for a few moments before the disaster occurred. It is believed that elephants are among the animals that can detect natural disasters because they are equipped with sensors located in their feet."

<b>10. Sapi</b>

10. Cow

Apparently, cows also have a fairly sensitive ability to sense the presence of natural disasters. According to research at a Japanese university, cows can predict earthquakes well in advance. They significantly reduce their milk production when approaching the time of an earthquake.

11. Horse

11. Horse

As one of the animals that is very sensitive to extreme weather changes and plate movements, horses are considered able to detect the arrival of natural disasters. When horses begin to feel the change, they will neigh loudly with intense frequency. In disaster situations, horses will move in a circular formation quickly.

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