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Appearance of T-Rex Fossils and Intact Stomach Contents, Turns Out This Is What Was Preyed Upon

Appearance of T-Rex Fossils and Intact Stomach Contents, Turns Out This Is What Was Preyed Upon

Penampakan Fosil T-Rex dan Sisa Makanan di Perut yang Masih Utuh, Ternyata Ini yang Dimangsa

Dream - Dinosaurs have been extinct for tens of millions of years. However, research on these ancient animals still attracts a lot of attention. One of them is the recent discovery of a carnivorous dinosaur fossil that has been widely discussed.

Penampakan Fosil T-Rex dan Sisa Makanan di Perut yang Masih Utuh, Ternyata Ini yang Dimangsa

This fossil was first discovered in 2009 in the Alberta Badlands, Canada, which is a center for dinosaur fossil excavation sites. According to experts, this fossil is estimated to be 75 million years old.

Penampakan Fosil T-Rex dan Sisa Makanan di Perut yang Masih Utuh, Ternyata Ini yang Dimangsa

This is the fossil belonging to one of the carnivorous predators, a teenage gorgosaurus specimen, a close cousin of the giant-sized T-rex.

This animal weighs about 330 kg, which is only about ten percent of its fully grown weight.

Penampakan Fosil T-Rex dan Sisa Makanan di Perut yang Masih Utuh, Ternyata Ini yang Dimangsa

Discovery of Food Remains in the Stomach

However, there is something unique about the discovery of this cold-blooded animal bone. In the abdominal part of this tyrannosaurus skeleton, there are well-preserved remnants of the dinosaur's last meal.


"This is the first time a well-preserved stomach contents have been found inside the skeleton of a large tyrannosaurus species,"

"Darla Zelenitsky revealed in the journal Science Advances."

“Ini adalah pertama kalinya isi perut yang terawetkan dengan baik ditemukan di dalam kerangka spesies besar tyrannosaurus,”

Experts speculate that the food was actually two baby dinosaurs, aged between five and seven years old. Dr. Zelenitsky, as the main researcher in this case, stated that the tyrannosaurus was indeed hunting small and young dinosaurs.

Penampakan Fosil T-Rex dan Sisa Makanan di Perut yang Masih Utuh, Ternyata Ini yang Dimangsa

"The stone inside the rib bone has been removed to reveal what is hidden inside. Look, the complete hind legs of two baby dinosaurs, both under one year old, are inside it,"
"Revealed the co-author of the study François Therrien."


Penampakan Fosil T-Rex dan Sisa Makanan di Perut yang Masih Utuh, Ternyata Ini yang Dimangsa

Experts realized this since they saw the fossil of a toe bone in the dinosaur's belly area. Based on the researchers' report, they concluded that the legs found in the belly of this T-Rex cousin are Citipes, a small dinosaur about the size of a turkey.

Selain itu, di dalam perutnya ada 2 jenis dinosaurus yang dimakan dalam rentang waktu yang berbeda. "Mereka tampaknya telah beralih dari berburu mangsa seperti Citipes yang berukuran kecil saat remaja, menjadi berburu dinosaurus megaherbivora atau yang lebih besar dari ukurannya saat dewasa," ujar Zelenitsky. Ia menambahkan, tyrannosaurus tersebut memiliki banyak perubahan dalam proses pertumbuhan, mulai dari kecil dan ramping hingga menjadi dinosaurus kuat yang dapat menghancurkan tulang.

From the discovery of the tyrannosaurus fossil, experts concluded that when these dinosaurs were still teenagers, because they had narrow skulls and knife-like teeth, they would hunt small prey.

Penampakan Fosil T-Rex dan Sisa Makanan di Perut yang Masih Utuh, Ternyata Ini yang Dimangsa

Adult Tyrannosaurus

"When they reach adulthood, their large skull and strong teeth enable them to tear apart much larger prey. (Report: M Bintang Alfan Nur Fauzi)"

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