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Keluarga Mantan Suami Datang ke Pernikahan dan Demo Tagih Utang, Nikahan Mewah Wanita Ini Hancur Seketika

"The Ex-Husband's Family Came to the Wedding and Demonstrated to Collect Debt, This Woman's Luxurious Wedding Was Ruined Instantly"

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "Dream – Most people feel reluctant to refuse their relatives when they borrow money. However, sometimes the person who is lent the money does not keep their promise to pay back the debt. Especially if the money is borrowed from close relatives, many feel relaxed about returning the money. As a result, relationships can become strained because of debt. Debt can even become a problem in the future. As happened in China, a marriage ended up in chaos when the ex came to collect their debt."

The Ex-Husband's Family Came to the Wedding and Demonstrated to Collect Debt, This Woman's Luxurious Wedding Was Instantly Ruined

"Quoted from the site, a woman in China held a luxurious wedding reception, from traditional attire to the decorations of her wedding party."

The luxurious impression is also very felt when seeing the bride who appears with various jewelry. Initially, the wedding party went smoothly. However, in the middle of the event, an uninvited guest arrived and disrupted everything. These protesters are the family along with the ex-husband of the bride. They came because they wanted to collect the bride's debts. "Return all the money you lent to the bride," shouted the group of people.

The Ex-Husband's Family Came to the Wedding and Demonstrated to Collect Debt, This Woman's Luxurious Wedding Was Instantly Ruined

"You must return 5,000 yuan (almost Rp11 million) that belongs to me, give it back to me, it is my savings,"

to English is:

"Not only that, a number of protesters revealed the bride's past that was embarrassing. In the past, the bride had borrowed money from her ex-husband's family under the pretext of urgent needs. At that time, they did not know that the woman had divorced her husband. After everyone found out that the bride was going to remarry, they immediately gathered to demand her debt."

The Ex-Husband's Family Came to the Wedding and Demonstrated to Collect Debt, This Woman's Luxurious Wedding Was Instantly Ruined

"The uniqueness is that the groom just found out that his bride had been married and divorced before. Suddenly, the groom revealed that his fiancée requested a gift of 350,000 yuan (around Rp767 million)."

The Ex-Husband's Family Came to the Wedding and Demonstrated to Collect Debt, This Woman's Luxurious Wedding Was Instantly Ruined

"The atmosphere is getting worse, the bride is trying to stop them, but her efforts are in vain."

"Moreover, when trying to escape, one of the protesters bravely lay down in front of her wedding car."

The Ex-Husband's Family Came to the Wedding and Demonstrated to Collect Debt, This Woman's Luxurious Wedding Was Instantly Ruined
The Ex-Husband's Family Came to the Wedding and Demonstrated to Collect Debt, This Woman's Luxurious Wedding Was Instantly Ruined

"Nevertheless, the bride still did not return her money. (Report: M Bintang Alfan Nur Fauzi)"

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