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Rahasia Sunnah di Balik Larangan Meniup Makanan dan Minuman Panas dalam Islam, Berkaitan dengan Kesehatan

The secret of Sunnah behind the prohibition of blowing on hot food and drinks in Islam, related to health.

Dream - Islam is not just a religion that regulates worship affairs between humans and Allah. The religion brought by Prophet Muhammad SAW also regulates various aspects of life. Even the Quran also discusses health issues. What is good and what is bad for human health is also found in the Quran and hadith.

"Prohibition of Blowing Hot Food and Drinks"

When eating hot food or drinking hot beverages, we often blow them with our mouth. However, Islam has forbidden us from blowing on hot food and drinks.

The Secret of the Sunnah Behind the Prohibition of Blowing on Hot Food and Drinks in Islam, Related to Health

This prohibition turns out to have reasons, but there is a hadith that explains why we should not drink or eat hot food. This hadith of the Prophet reveals the secret behind the prohibition of blowing on hot food and drinks.

"Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH:"
And from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet prohibited breathing and blowing into containers.

"(HR. Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi)"

The Secret of the Sunnah Behind the Prohibition of Blowing on Hot Food and Drinks in Islam, Related to Health

In the book Kasyaful Qina'an Matnil Iqna, the secret behind the prohibition of blowing on hot food and drinks is explained. The book explains that blowing on food and drinks can cause irritation on the tongue, which can lead to pain and wounds.

The translation of the text "Hukumnya Makruh" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "It is disliked."

Blowing hot food and drinks is considered makruh (disliked) in Islam. This habit can cause health problems because when we blow, our mouth releases carbon dioxide gas. This gas enters the food or drink that we will consume. In other words, blowing hot food or drinks means that we have transferred germs, bacteria, and others from our mouth to the blown food. Of course, this causes the food or drink to become contaminated with microbacteria from our mouth.

Merusak Email Gigi

"Damaging Teeth Email"

From a medical perspective, eating hot food is actually not good for your health because it will damage tooth enamel. This will cause sensitive and cavity-prone teeth. Therefore, it is better to let hot food or drinks cool down a bit before consuming them.

"Triggering Esophageal Cancer"

Eating and drinking hot food and beverages can also trigger esophageal cancer. This is because consuming hot food too often can injure the squamous cells in the esophagus.


"Lidah Melepuh" in English is "Blistered Tongue".

If you consume hot food or drinks directly, it can cause your tongue to blister and crack. This can also cause your tongue to become numb. It is better to wait for the food to cool down a bit without blowing on it.

That is the secret behind the prohibition of blowing on hot food and drinks that needs to be known. So every prohibition and recommendation in Islam certainly has a reason behind it. Because Islam is a religion that prioritizes the welfare of humanity.

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