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Throughout 2023, the Government Successfully Destroys Illegal Imported Goods Worth IDR 174 Billion.

Throughout 2023, the Government Successfully Destroys Illegal Imported Goods Worth IDR 174 Billion.

Throughout 2023, the Government Successfully Destroys Illegal Imported Goods Worth Rp174 Billion

The Ministry of Trade announced that hundreds of billions of illegal imported goods have been destroyed over the past year. Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan, revealed this achievement during the Performance Achievement 2023 and Trade Projection 2024 press conference in Jakarta.

"Responding to the rampant circulation of prohibited goods, in accordance with the provisions of Permendag 40 of 2022 and subsequent regulations, I personally led the destruction of Rp 174.81 billion worth of items that we deemed illegal. This includes second-hand clothing and unlicensed beverages."
Said the Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan.


"Langkah Kemendag Lindungi Konsumen Dalam Negeri" translates to "Ministry of Trade's Steps to Protect Domestic Consumers" in English.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Minister and Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN), Zulkifli Hasan, clarified that the destruction of illegal imported goods is a step taken by the Ministry of Trade to protect domestic consumers. In addition to destruction, the Ministry of Trade is also intensively monitoring 1,061 business actors, involving trade activity monitoring and post-border activities to ensure compliance with regulations."


"More than 1,000 Hidden Port Points in Indonesia as Access for Illegal Import Goods."

Askolani, Director General of Customs and Excise, has identified 500 points of rat ports on the East Coast of Sumatra as entry points for illegal goods into Indonesia. Customs and Excise estimates that there are over 1,000 rat ports in Indonesia. In addition to sea routes, the smuggling of illegal goods also involves crossings on land routes, including borders, and even utilizing gardens as entry points for illegal imported goods.

<b>Kolaborasi Lintas Instansi Diperlukan Awasi Pelabuhan Tikus.</b>

Collaboration Across Agencies Needed to Monitor Rat Ports.

"To monitor the rat harbor, cross-agency cooperation is needed, including the Bareksrim Polri, the Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order (PKTN) of the Ministry of Trade, and the Local Government."

"The rat port is indeed difficult to monitor, and our officers are unlikely to be able to handle it and will not be enough. Therefore, we have to collaborate. There have been cases where the community refused due to economic reasons, they requested for various reasons. This is what happens in the field, but we do what we can. We keep pushing," said Askolani, Director General of Customs."

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