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Tips and Prayers to Make Your Face Glow and Be Liked by Many People, Let's Practice to Enhance Social Attraction

Tips and Prayers to Make Your Face Glow and Be Liked by Many People, Let's Practice to Enhance Social Attraction

Tips and Prayers to Have a Radiant and Liked Face, Let's Practice to Enhance Social Attraction

Dream - Practicing prayers to make the face glow and be liked by many people, including efforts to open a positive aura within oneself. Being liked by many people is certainly a dream for everyone. Not having enemies and being surrounded by people who love us is an extraordinary happiness.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: Shining face doesn't necessarily mean it has to be fair, but it needs to demonstrate noble character as a person with good manners. Regardless of appearance, human faces are creations of Allah SWT that need to be preserved. Everyone has their own strengths if they can utilize them. A visually ordinary face will become attractive when it shines and has a positive aura.

Tips and Prayers to Have a Radiant and Liked Face, Let's Practice to Enhance Social Attraction

"In truth, inner beauty and character are more important than mere appearance. However, there is no harm in trying to enhance both the outer and inner beauty. One way to make the face glow is by regularly performing night prayers and increasing supplications. Such as praying for a radiant and likable face by many people."


Tips to be Liked by Many People

"Tips to Be Liked by Many People"

"To be liked by many people, there are several things that can be done. However, everyone has different preferences and values. Let's take a look at some tips to be liked by many people below:"

1. Friendly and Full of Love

Being friendly and full of love towards everyone can make us liked by many people. Speaking politely, smiling, and listening attentively are good first steps.

1. Friendly and Full of Love

2. Show Empathy Try to understand the views and feelings of others. Show that Sahabat Dream cares and makes others feel valued. 3. Be a Good Listener Listen to others without interrupting or diverting the conversation. Show interest in what they say, especially when they are sharing their life struggles. 4. Show Appreciation Appreciating the contributions or help of others is very important. Express sincere gratitude.


5. Maintaining a Positive Posture and Body Language

5. Maintaining a Positive Posture and Body Language

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Body posture and body language can give strong signals about someone's feelings and intentions. When speaking to others, stand or sit upright, maintain eye contact while speaking, and avoid defensive or closed body language."

6. Avoid Excessive Gossip and Criticism Keeping conversations positive and avoiding excessive criticism of others can help maintain good relationships between ourselves and others. 7. Help and Support Others If you can help or provide support to others, do so. Showing that you care will enhance respect and affection from others. 8. Develop Social Skills Social skills such as the ability to lead conversations, manage conflicts, and read social situations are highly valuable.

9. Jaga Kebersihan Diri dan Penampilan Fisik

9. Maintain Personal Hygiene and Physical Appearance

Giving a clean and tidy impression can help make us more enjoyable to interact with.

10. Practicing Patience and Understanding

Completing problems with a cool head and patience is the key to handling difficult situations or interpersonal conflicts.

10. Berlatih Kesabaran dan Pengertian

Prayer for a Radiant Face and Liked by Many People

The following translation preserves the HTML tags: "Prayer is one of the ways that many people practice to open up their facial aura to appear radiant and glowing. اللَّهُمَّ جَعَلْنِي نُورًا يُسَفَّفَ عَلَى وَجْهِي فَمَنْ رَأَانِي يُحِبُّنِي مَحَبَّةً means: 'O Allah, make me a light like that of Prophet Yusuf on my face, so that whoever sees me will be amazed and have love for me.'"

Prayer for a Radiant and Liked Face because of Good Morals
When looking in the mirror, recite the following prayer to open up the aura of the face so that positive things radiate: "اللَّهُمَّ كَمَا حَسَّنْتَ خَلْقِي فَحَسِّنْ خُلُقِي" (Allahumma kamaa hassanta khalqii fa hassin khuliqi)

Translation: "Meaning: 'O Allah, just as You have created me well, improve my character.'"


"Prayer for a Radiant Face and Eternal Youth"

The following is a prayer for a radiant and youthful face as quoted from Surah Al-Waqi'ah verses 35 to 37: "إِنَّا إِنْشَأْنَاهُنَّ إِنْشَاءً فَجَعَلْنَاهُنَّ أَبْكَارًا عُرُبًا أَتْرَابًا" Translation: "Indeed, We have created them (the maidens) in a perfect creation, and We have made them virgins, loving and of equal age."

Tips and Prayers to Have a Radiant and Liked Face, Let's Practice to Enhance Social Attraction

It needs to be noted that the effort to be liked by many people requires a long process. However, don't just want to be liked by many people and then hide who you are. Keep being your authentic self and don't try to be someone else.

Tips and Prayers to Have a Radiant and Liked Face, Let's Practice to Enhance Social Attraction

People will accept us more if we remain honest and loyal to ourselves. Of course, the most important thing is noble morals and manners.

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