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The Amazing Power of the Phrase

The Amazing Power of the Phrase "Basmalah", Making the Devil Vomit and Panic

The Amazing Power of the Phrase Basmalah, Making Satan Vomit and Panic

Dream - Every time someone wants to do an activity, usually Muslims will recite the phrase "bismillah". Yes, the phrase "bismillah" is the first phrase in the Quran that is popular among Muslims. This phrase "bismillah" has an amazing power for protection from disturbances of jinn and Satan.

"In the interpretation of Ibn Kathir, Jabir bin Abdullah said:"

"“When the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, is mentioned, thick clouds shift and move towards the east, and the wind stops, the sea becomes turbulent and wavy, the animals listen attentively, and the devils are pelted with stars from the sky. And Allah swears by His glory and majesty that nothing is named using His name except that Allah will bless it.”"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Power of Basmala According to the Words of Prophet Muhammad"

The statement above from Jabir is reinforced by a hadith from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), she said: "When the moments of 'bismillahir rahmanir rahim' descend, the mountains tremble, to the point that the inhabitants of Mecca hear its roar. They said, 'Muhammad has enchanted the mountains.' Then Allah sent down thick clouds to cover the inhabitants of Mecca. Then the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, 'Whoever recites the basmalah with firm conviction, then the mountains will glorify with him, but he does not hear the sound of their glorification at all.'" (HR. Abu Na'im and ad-Dailami)

"Weakening the Power of the Devil"

From Walid Abdul Malih, from a man he said: "I once rode on the Prophet's donkey. When the donkey stumbled, I said, 'Curse the devil!' The Prophet said, 'Do not say (dirty) words like that because the devil will grow as big as a house and say, 'I have thrown him down with my strength.' But recite bismillah, because when you recite it (bismillah) it will shrink as small as a fly," (HR. Abu Dawud and Nasai, authenticated by al-Albani).


"Bikin Setan Muntah-Muntah" translates to "Makes the Devil Vomit" in English.

The power of reciting the basmalah can also make demons vomit. When someone forgets to recite the basmalah before eating, and then in the middle of eating they recite the basmalah, then the demon will vomit whatever they have eaten with that person.

"Story in History"

Umayyah bin Makhsyi said, "When the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was sitting, there was a man who was eating and did not recite the basmalah (in the name of Allah) until there was only one bite left. Then he put that bite into his mouth and recited 'bismillahi awwalahu wa akhirahu' (in the name of Allah, at the beginning and at the end). Then the Prophet laughed and said, 'The devil was still eating with him, but when he recited bismillah, the devil immediately vomited what was in his stomach.'" (Narrated by Abu Dawud)

"Protection from Disturbances of Satan Throughout the Day"

The main enemy of believing humans is the devil. They will always tempt humans until the Day of Judgment. However, the subtlety of the devil's temptation makes humans unaware of it. Nevertheless, we can strive to seek protection from Allah to be guarded from the disturbance of the devil throughout the day.

The Amazing Power of the Phrase Basmalah, Making Satan Vomit and Panic

One of the prayers recommended by Prophet Muhammad SAW to protect oneself from the disturbances of Satan throughout the day is to recite basmalah before starting any activity.

Utsman bin Affan RA said,

"I heard the Prophet Muhammad SAW say, 'Whoever recites this prayer when evening comes, 'In the name of Allah (basmalah), by Whose name nothing on earth or in the heavens can cause harm, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing (three times), then he will not be afflicted by any sudden calamity until morning. And whoever recites it in the evening, he will not be afflicted by any sudden calamity until evening.' (Narrated by Tirmidhi and authenticated by Al-Albani)"

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