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"Towards Ramadan, Here are the Prayers in the Month of Syaban that Can Bring Abundance of Blessings from Allah SWT"

Dream - Before entering the month of Ramadan, Muslims will go through the month of Sha'ban first. This month also has special virtues in Islam. More precisely on the night of Nishfu Sha'ban which falls on February 24, 2024. On this night, Allah SWT will forgive the sins of His servants. That is why the night of Nishfu Sha'ban is called lailatul maghfirah or the night of forgiveness.

Well, Dream friends should not forget to practice prayers in the month of Syaban. This is able to bring abundant rewards from Allah SWT.

Towards Ramadan, Here Are the Prayers in the Month of Sha'ban That Can Bring Abundant Blessings from Allah SWT
Towards Ramadan, Here Are the Prayers in the Month of Sha'ban That Can Bring Abundant Blessings from Allah SWT

The following are prayers in the month of Syaban that you can practice as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"The Special Virtues of the Month of Syaban and Its Important Events"

The month of Sya'ban has a special virtue in the religion of Islam. One of the important events that occurred in this month is the change of qibla.

In the month of Sya'ban, Allah commanded the Muslim community to change the direction of prayer (qibla) from Baitul Maqdis to the Ka'bah in Makkah. This shows the importance of the month of Sya'ban in the history of the Muslim community. Additionally, the month of Sya'ban is also a good time to submit a recapitulation of deeds to Allah. Muslims are taught to reflect on and evaluate their worship deeds during the previous year and to seek forgiveness and mercy from Allah.

In the month of Sya'ban, Allah also revealed verses about the recommendation of sending blessings upon the Prophet. These verses emphasize the importance of uttering blessings upon Prophet Muhammad as a sign of love and respect towards him. Thus, the month of Sya'ban holds great virtue in Islam, accompanied by important events such as the change of qibla, the submission of the summary of deeds to Allah, and the revelation of verses regarding the recommendation of sending blessings upon the Prophet.

Amalan Bulan Syaban yang Disunahkan oleh Rasulullah

"Amalan Bulan Syaban yang Disunahkan oleh Rasulullah" translates to "Recommended Practices in the Month of Syaban by the Prophet Muhammad"

The following are some practices of the month of Syaban that can be done by Dream friends as recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

1. Sunnah Fasting

Fasting voluntarily in the month of Syaban is a highly recommended practice. The Prophet Muhammad often fasted during the month of Syaban, except for a few days. This voluntary fasting can be done at the beginning of the month, in the middle of the month, or at the end of the month of Syaban. The special significance of fasting in this month is that Allah SWT forgives the sins of His servants and bestows mercy and blessings upon them.

2. Increase Prayer and Seeking Forgiveness

In addition, increasing prayers and seeking forgiveness (istighfar) are also recommended in the month of Syaban. Prayers and seeking forgiveness (istighfar) increase goodness and can bring one closer to Allah SWT. This practice can be done at any time, whether in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

3. Tahajud Prayer

he translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: Tahajud prayer is a highly recommended voluntary act of worship, especially in the month of Syaban. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) greatly increased his Tahajud prayers during the month of Syaban. The special significance of Tahajud prayer in this month is that Allah SWT descends to the earthly sky on the last few nights of Syaban to bestow His mercy upon His servants

Towards Ramadan, Here Are the Prayers in the Month of Sha'ban That Can Bring Abundant Blessings from Allah SWT

4. Giving Alms

"Charity is also a highly recommended practice in the month of Syaban. The Prophet Muhammad always increased his charity during this month. The specialness of giving charity in the month of Syaban is that its rewards will be multiplied by Allah SWT."

5. Reading the Qur'an

Reading the Al-Qur'an is a recommended practice in the month of Syaban. The Prophet saw frequently read the Al-Qur'an in this month. The specialness of reading the Al-Qur'an in the month of Syaban is its great reward and drawing closer to Allah SWT.

The translation of "6. Memperbanyak Dzikir" to English is "6. Increasing Dhikr".

"Remembrance of Allah SWT is also an encouraged practice in the month of Sha'ban. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) often increased his remembrance during this month. The special feature of remembrance in the month of Sha'ban is that it cleanses the heart and soul and brings tranquility."

Towards Ramadan, Here Are the Prayers in the Month of Sha'ban That Can Bring Abundant Blessings from Allah SWT

7. Preserving Sunnah Prayers

Preserving html tags: "Maintaining voluntary prayers is highly recommended in the month of Syaban. The Prophet Muhammad often observed voluntary prayers in this month, especially the sunnah rawatib prayers before and after the obligatory prayers. The specialness of maintaining voluntary prayers in the month of Syaban is to draw closer to Allah SWT and increase goodness."

8. Multiply Praying for Yourself and the Congregation

"Finally, it is recommended to increase praying for oneself and the community in the month of Syaban. The Prophet Muhammad always increased his prayers for himself and the community during this month. The specialness of this practice is that Allah SWT will grant the prayers of His servants and bestow blessings and mercy upon humanity."

Doa-Doa di Bulan Syaban

"Prayers in the Month of Syaban"

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The following are some prayers in the month of Syaban that are recommended to be practiced by Muslims:"

"Prayer Welcoming the Month of Syaban"

Allahumma ahlilhu 'alaina bil amni wal imani wassalamati wal islami, Robbi wa RobbukAllahu, hilala rusydin wa khoiir. Meaning: "O Allah, make this month for us safe and our hearts full of faith, and make this month for us peaceful and our hearts full of Islam. My Lord and your Lord is Allah. A month of guidance and goodness." (Narrated by at-Tirmidhi)

"Prayer for Blessings"

اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان وحصل مقاصدنا برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين Translation: "O Allah, bless us in the months of Rajab and Sha'ban, and enable us to reach Ramadan and achieve our goals with Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful."

"Night Prayer of Mid-Sha'ban"

"Allahumma Yaa Dzal manni wala yumannu 'alaika yaa dzal jalaali wal ikraam yaa dzal thauli wal an'aami laa ilaaha illaa anta dhahra lajiina wa jaarol mustajiiriina wama manal khaaifiin" means "O Allah, my Lord, the possessor of all blessings, no one can bestow blessings upon You. O Allah, the possessor of majesty and generosity."

"O Allah, my Lord, the owner of wealth and the giver of blessings. There is none worthy of worship except You. You are the place of reliance. You are the place of refuge, and in You is a safe haven for those who are afraid."

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