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Unik, 5 Spesies Baru Landak Berduri Lunak Ditemukan dan Bentuknya Imut

Unique, 5 New Species of Soft-Spined Hedgehogs Discovered and They Look Cute.

Landak kantung berbulu lembut (gymnure) is a small mammal that belongs to the hedgehog family, but as its name suggests, they are hairy instead of spiky. Like spiky hedgehogs, they are not rodents and have a pointed snout. These small mammals are active both during the day and at night and are omnivorous, likely feeding on various types of insects and other invertebrates as well as some fruits when the opportunity arises.

Based on the lifestyle of its close relatives and field observations, this pouch hedgehog is likely to build nests inside holes and take shelter while searching for food among tree roots, fallen logs, rocks, grassy areas, bushes, and leaf piles.

Unik, 5 Spesies Baru Landak Berduri Lunak Ditemukan dan Bentuknya Imut

"Mirip Tikus Jika Tanpa Duri" translates to "Like a Mouse Without Thorns" in English.

"Without the spines of their more famous cousins, the soft-furred hedgehog looks like a mix of rat and mouse with a short tail,"


"“These five new species belong to a group of soft-furred hedgehogs called lesser gymnures (Hylomys) that live in Southeast Asia and were previously only known to be represented by two known species.” “We were able to identify these new hedgehogs thanks to museum staff who collected these specimens over several decades and their original collectors.” “By applying modern genomic techniques as we have done years after the hedgehogs were first collected, future generations will be able to identify even more new species.”"

In this study, Dr. Hinckley and his colleagues collected 232 physical specimens and 85 tissue samples for genetic analysis from the entire Hylomys group, combining their own field collection with modern and historical museum specimens from at least 14 natural history collections in Asia, Europe, and the United States. Then, they began the lengthy process of conducting genetic analysis on the 85 tissue samples in the laboratory.

"Do Measurement"

They also conducted careful physical observations and collected measurements to examine differences in size and shape of skulls, teeth, and fur in 232 specimens. Genetic results identified seven distinct genetic lineages in Hylomys, indicating that the recognized number of species within this group will increase by five, which was later confirmed through physical observations by the team on the specimens.

Unik, 5 Spesies Baru Landak Berduri Lunak Ditemukan dan Bentuknya Imut

Two new species, named Hylomys vorax and Hylomys macarong, are endemic to the endangered Leuser ecosystem, which is a tropical rainforest in North Sumatra and South Vietnam, respectively.

Three other new species were previously considered subspecies of Hylomys suillus, but all of them show enough genetic and physical differences to obtain their own species status. They are named Hylomys dorsalis, Hylomys maxi, and Hylomys peguensis.

"Perhaps it is surprising for people to hear that there are still mammals that have not been discovered out there," said Dr. Melissa Hawkins, curator of mammals at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History."
"However, there are many things that we do not know – especially small nocturnal animals that are difficult to distinguish from one another."

"Swipe Up"


This study was published in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.


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