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Viral Palestinian Citizens Challenged to Burn the Flag of Indonesia for a Reward of Rp7 Million, Their Reaction is Touching

Viral Palestinian Citizens Challenged to Burn the Flag of Indonesia for a Reward of Rp7 Million, Their Reaction is Touching

Viral Warga Palestina Ditantang Bakar Bendera Indonesia Demi Imbalan Rp7 Juta, Reaksinya Bikin Haru

"Dream - The closeness of the relationship between Indonesia and Palestine has deeply rooted in the minds of the people of both countries. Regardless of race and religion, Indonesia is already considered as a sibling by the Palestinian population."

"Palestine greatly respects Indonesia as if it were their own country. They openly declare that they will not hesitate to assist Indonesia, just as Indonesia has been fully supporting Palestine. Not long ago, a YouTuber living in Gaza went viral for conducting a social experiment to prove the emotional closeness of the Palestinian people towards Indonesia."

Viral Warga Palestina Ditantang Bakar Bendera Indonesia Demi Imbalan Rp7 Juta, Reaksinya Bikin Haru

The following text is translated from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "The video was uploaded on the YouTube Channel Bang Onim Daily, and has been watched by more than 1.8 million users."

Viral Warga Palestina Ditantang Bakar Bendera Indonesia Demi Imbalan Rp7 Juta, Reaksinya Bikin Haru

Initially, the YouTuber asked the person he met on the street which country's flag he was holding. A man named Ihab Ayyad explained how important Indonesia is to him.

Ayyad explains that Indonesia holds a special place for him. He also states that the love for Indonesia is felt by all Palestinians. He mentions that Indonesia is a country that strongly supports the Palestinian people without discriminating based on religion. "I respect Indonesia, which is predominantly Muslim. Even though I am Christian, when Indonesia provides assistance, they do not discriminate based on religion," expressed Ayyad in the social experiment video.

Response from Ayyad regarding the flag burning challenge.

Ayyad, who is not a Muslim, was on his way to the church at that time. However, when he heard the challenge to burn the Indonesian flag in exchange for a reward of IDR 1.4 million, his response was surprising.

Response from Ayyad regarding the flag burning challenge.

"Menolak dengan tegas" translates to "Reject firmly" in English.

Listening to the YouTuber's challenge, the man firmly rejected the request. He loudly affirmed that no matter what reward would be given to him, it would not change his stance in defending Indonesia.

"I emphasize that this is the flag of the largest Muslim-majority country and always concerned about the issue in Palestine. Let me emphasize, even one million dollars, I refuse,"
"He called for it with a firm voice."


However, what made the netizens' hearts feel sad is that the Christian man instead chose to kiss the Indonesian flag and said that a person who accepts such an offer surely has no morals.

Viral Warga Palestina Ditantang Bakar Bendera Indonesia Demi Imbalan Rp7 Juta, Reaksinya Bikin Haru
Viral Warga Palestina Ditantang Bakar Bendera Indonesia Demi Imbalan Rp7 Juta, Reaksinya Bikin Haru

"Seeing Ayyad's refusal of the offer, the YouTuber continued to press Ayyad with various incentives such as increasing the amount of money to Rp3.1 million, Rp7.7 million, and even the latest iPhone was also rejected by him."

"Seribu dolar, satu juta dolar, satu triliun pun saya tak bersedia. Meski imbalannya seisi dunia pun saya tak akan membakarnya," "One thousand dollars, one million dollars, even one trillion dollars, I am not willing. Even if the reward is the whole world, I will not burn it."

close Ayyad who started to get annoyed and still chose to respect the Indonesian flag.

"Viral Palestinian Citizen Challenged to Burn the Indonesian Flag for a Reward of Rp7 Million, Their Reaction is Touching"

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