"Dream - A wedding in Gresik went viral on social media because it was very festive and sensational. How could it not be? The wedding reception of the couple Ilona and Adam carried the concept of a people's party."
The video about the luxurious wedding atmosphere with a folk party theme went viral after being uploaded by the TikTok account @celtic_indonesia on July 31, 2024. In the 1 minute and 8 seconds long video, the wedding event with a folk party concept looks very festive. The wedding decorations are quite impressive.
"Instead of plastic, the fruits and flowers used to decorate the wedding dais and various corners of the wedding party are real. The array of fresh fruits looks beautiful. The floral decorations used in the viral wedding dais are just as stunning."
The translation of "Digelar di Halaman Rumah" to English is "Held in the Front Yard".
According to the video uploader, the event in Bungah, Gresik, East Java is the most royal people's party wedding of 2024. The wedding event is not held in a luxurious building or hotel. The bride and groom are hosting the party at the bride's house, which has a very large yard.
"The spacious front yard of the house was transformed into an event venue. Guests numbering in the thousands could be seen sitting neatly in the chairs that had been provided."
The translation of "Pernikahan Meriah yang Sesungguhnya" to English is "The Truly Joyful Wedding."
The decoration sprinkled with fresh fruits and vegetables adorns every corner of the wedding event. In the entrance hallway, there is a photo booth that the invited guests can use to capture the happy moments.
Meanwhile, the wedding stage was designed with an open concept adorned with fresh fruits and vegetables in front of it. This way, the community members who come can directly gaze at the bride and groom sitting on the stage.
"Attended by Dozens of Kyai and 2,000 Other Invitations"
The very festive wedding event was not only attended by the local community but also dozens of kyais. According to the owner of @celtic_indonesia, the number of invited guests who attended the grand wedding reached 2,000 people.
The translation of "Sajian Kuliner Khas Jawa Timur" to English is "Special Culinary Dishes of East Java."
"In the event, the host served a variety of foods for the guests by involving local vendors from Bungah. Since the location is in Gresik, the dishes served at the event are typical East Java (Jatim) cuisine."
In the event, the invited guests could choose from a variety of dishes served from the cart. There are meatballs, lontong kikil manjung, chicken soto juries, boranan rice, krawu rice, and various other East Javanese culinary delights.
"Not only that, another unique dish at the wedding event was es legen, kopi tuku, cincau station to es oyen and bubur pasar. So many varieties of traditional dishes were served, the wedding event was like a culinary festival of East Java."
The translation of "Souvenir Unik Sembako" to English is "Unique Grocery Souvenir."
"Interestingly, the couple Ilona and Adam provided souvenirs that were different from the usual at their wedding party. The wedding souvenirs were complete grocery packages placed in unique tote bags made from mats."
"However, what most distracts attention at the wedding event with a people's party theme is the free umrah gift for 13 lucky people."
"Free Umrah at the Crazy Rich Gresik wedding event"
"It appears that Ilona is drawing one of the prizes for the winners who will go on Umrah to the Holy Land of Mecca. This free Umrah prize certainly makes the guests who receive it happy and touched."
The wedding became more festive with the presence of dangdut singer Nassar who entertained the guests from top to bottom. "All the people came joyfully and went home happy. This is the definition of a people's party. The coolest of all time," said Celtic Indonesia.
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