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"Want to be Saved from Punishment in this World and the Hereafter? Practice the Following Dhikr Recitation"

Through remembrance, the faith of a Muslim will always be preserved and make the heart more calm and kept away from negligence.

Dream - Remembering Allah SWT is a practice that should not be abandoned by every Muslim. Take time every day to be able to read dhikr regularly. Through dhikr, the faith of a Muslim will always be maintained and also make the heart more peaceful and kept away from negligence. There are many dhikr readings that friends of Dream can practice every day. For example, dhikr that can save from the torment of the world and the hereafter.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "No human being practices an act that is more hopeful in saving themselves from the punishment of Allah than remembering Allah."

Want to be saved from torment in this world and the hereafter? Practice the following Dzikir recitation
Want to be saved from torment in this world and the hereafter? Practice the following Dzikir recitation

Well, here is a reading of remembrance that can save from the torment of the world and the hereafter as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Benefits of Dhikr for Muslims

Dzikir is defined as a remembrance and remembering of Allah SWT. In the Al-Qur'an, Allah SWT commands the Islamic community to engage in dhikr, because dhikr has many benefits that are directly related to the relationship between humans and Allah SWT.

Benefits of Dhikr for Muslims

"The first benefit of remembrance (zikir) is as a form of expressing gratitude to Allah SWT for all the blessings bestowed upon us. In a hadith, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever is grateful to Allah, Allah will increase his blessings." Through remembrance, Muslims can enhance their gratitude towards Allah, which in turn strengthens their relationship with Him. The second benefit is to strengthen the relationship between Allah and His servants. In the Qur'an, Allah SWT says: "And remember Me; I will remember you." Remembrance serves as a means to establish a closer connection with Allah, allowing His presence to be felt in our lives."

"O believers, be helpers of yourselves with patience and prayer (remembrance of Allah)." By engaging in remembrance of Allah, the Muslim community constantly remembers Allah and strengthens their bond with Him. The third benefit is as a purification of the soul. In a hadith, Prophet Muhammad pbuh said, "Remembrance of Allah is a purification for the soul."

By doing dhikr, Muslims cleanse themselves from sins and improve their personalities. The fourth benefit is as a form of protection from the temptations of Satan. In the Quran, Allah SWT says: "O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance and exalt Him morning and afternoon." By engaging in dhikr, Muslims protect themselves from the evil influence of Satan and strengthen their protection against his temptations.

The fifth benefit is as a source of tranquility and peace of mind. In the Qur'an, Allah SWT says: "Remember Allah with abundant remembrance, and make Him your reliance in your affairs." Through remembrance, Muslims find inner peace and tranquility amidst trials and difficulties in life.

Dzikir dalam Hati atau dengan Lisan?

"Remembrance in the Heart or with Words?"

There are various opinions from scholars regarding whether it is better to perform remembrance (dhikr) by reciting it orally or by deepening it in the heart.

Imam at-Thabari, a prominent scholar, argues that remembrance in the heart is superior. According to him, remembrance in the heart allows for a deeper awareness and can involve the whole soul and mind in remembering Allah. Ibnu Batthal also agrees with this opinion and says that remembrance in the heart is more focused and can avoid insincere intentions. However, the Shafi'i school of thought leans more towards remembrance with the tongue. They argue that reciting remembrance with the tongue provides more comprehensive benefits.

Because remembrance (dzikir) can be heard by others, it can inspire and remind them of the greatness of Allah. Ibn Hajar al-Haitami also added that verbal remembrance can suppress desires and direct the soul towards goodness more effectively. In conclusion, although there are differences of opinion, there is no one approach that is absolutely right or wrong. Remembrance can be done both in the heart and with words.

It depends on individual preferences and abilities to achieve higher levels of consciousness and engagement through the chosen approach. Ultimately, determination and perseverance in performing the main remembrance (dzikir) is paramount, regardless of whether it is done in the heart or with words.

"Remembrance (Dzikir): The Savior from the Torment of the World and the Hereafter"

The following is a reading of the remembrance that saves from the torment of the world and the hereafter according to Sheikh Abu Al-Hasan Al-Shadhili, which is found in the book Risalatul Amin fi Al-Wushul ila Robbi Al-'Alamin.

Dzikir Penyelamat dari Siksa Dunia dan Akhirat

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