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When will the Quick Count of the 2024 Election Results Start? Here's the explanation.

When will the Quick Count of the 2024 Election Results Start? Here's the explanation.

"Dream - The result of the quick count or rapid calculation of the 2024 Elections may start to pique the curiosity of many people after they finish casting their votes in the voting booth. So when does the quick count result of the 2024 Elections usually begin? Let's first take a look at the explanation below."

When Does the Quick Count for the 2024 Election Start? Here’s the Explanation

This is the time when the Quick Count begins.

Quick count Pemilu 2024 will begin 2 hours after the voting is completed in the western part of Indonesia. This is in accordance with Law Number 7 of 2017 regarding Elections, especially Article 449. This provision is made to prevent the announcement of quick count forecast results before the specified time.


Understanding Quick Count: Why is it Important?

Quick count is a vote counting method carried out by independent survey institutions in addition to the General Election Commission (KPU) as the election organizer. Although the results of this quick count are not official and cannot be used as a basis for determining the winner in the election or presidential election, this method still provides an initial overview of the election results.

Quick count uses a sample of votes from several Polling Stations (TPS) that have been determined, with a margin of error of less than 1 percent. With this provision, the results of the quick count method are expected to provide fairly accurate information about the voting trends obtained by each candidate or political party.

"Conditions for Survey Institutions Conducting Quick Count"

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Survey institutions that want to conduct a quick count must comply with the provisions set by the General Election Commission (KPU). The provisions are that survey institutions must register with the KPU no later than 30 days before the voting day, disclose the source of funds and methodology used, and announce that the quick count results are not the official results of the election organizers."

Fine for Violators

For quick count implementers who violate these provisions, they potentially face heavy criminal sanctions. They could be sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and 6 months and a fine of up to 18 million rupiah. This punishment threat is in line with Article 540 paragraph (1) of the Election Law.


It is known that the stages of the 2024 Election have begun since mid-June 2022. Simultaneous voting will be held on February 14, 2024, throughout the Indonesian territory. In the 2024 Election, eligible citizens will cast their votes to choose the President and Vice President, members of the Regional Representative Council (DPD), the People's Consultative Assembly (DPR), Provincial Legislative Councils (DPRD Provinsi), and District/City Legislative Councils (DPRD Kabupaten/Kota).

"Not a New Thing"

Quick count is not a new thing in the election. This fast counting process has also been carried out in previous elections, including the 2019 Presidential Election. In that election, there were several well-known survey institutions that were accurate in conducting the quick count of the 2019 Presidential Election, such as Litbang Kompas, Indo Barometer, Survei Kedai Kopi, LSI Denny JA, and several other survey institutions.


"Method of Vote Counting in Elections"

In the vote counting after the election, there are two methods used, namely quick count and real count. Quick count is conducted by survey institutions, while real count is conducted by the KPU as the official result of the election. Vote counting starts from the presidential ballot, members of the DPR, DPD, provincial DPRD, and finally the district/city DPRD.

Although the sequence of vote counting has been arranged, the KPU does not mind if the sequence is not followed. What is important is that the process of vote counting is conducted transparently and in accordance with the procedures for reading and determining valid votes.

When Does the Quick Count for the 2024 Election Start? Here’s the Explanation

Thus the explanation about when the quick count for the 2024 election begins. This quick count is one form of public participation in general elections, but the results are not the official election results. The public must understand that the quick count results need to be followed by the real count conducted by the Election Commission (KPU) to obtain the official results of the 2024 election.

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