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Potret Lokasi Wisata Berubah bak Lautan Manusia saat Libur Nataru, Niat Healing Jadi Migren

Portrait of Tourist Locations Changed into a Sea of People during Nataru Holiday, Healing Intention Turns into Migraine

Potret Lokasi Wisata Berubah bak Lautan Manusia saat Libur Nataru, Niat Healing Jadi Migren

Dream - When the long holiday arrives, it's no longer a secret that tourist attractions are crowded with visitors, including during Nataru. However, there are many disappointed visitors because their initial intention to heal turns into confusion due to the crowded destinations.

Appearance of Bukit Sikunir, Dieng, went viral due to the crowded visitors on December 24, 2023. It is seen that the visitors are crowdedly entering the tourist area.

Potret Lokasi Wisata Berubah bak Lautan Manusia saat Libur Nataru, Niat Healing Jadi Migren
Potret Lokasi Wisata Berubah bak Lautan Manusia saat Libur Nataru, Niat Healing Jadi Migren
Yogyakarta is one of the choices for Nataru vacation. The area of Maliboro is completely jammed.

Yogyakarta is one of the choices for Nataru vacation. The area of Maliboro is completely jammed.

"So is Ancol Beach, North Jakarta, which is also crowded with visitors during the Christmas and New Year holidays in 2024."

Potret Lokasi Wisata Berubah bak Lautan Manusia saat Libur Nataru, Niat Healing Jadi Migren
Potret Lokasi Wisata Berubah bak Lautan Manusia saat Libur Nataru, Niat Healing Jadi Migren
Potret Lokasi Wisata Berubah bak Lautan Manusia saat Libur Nataru, Niat Healing Jadi Migren

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Visitors are flooding, access to the Bromo area is completely congested. Many vehicles are trapped in traffic and barely moving."

Potret Lokasi Wisata Berubah bak Lautan Manusia saat Libur Nataru, Niat Healing Jadi Migren
Apparently since early December, the Bromo area has been crowded with visitors. The Nataru holiday becomes the peak of density in Bromo.

Apparently since early December, the Bromo area has been crowded with visitors. The Nataru holiday becomes the peak of density in Bromo.

Potret Lokasi Wisata Berubah bak Lautan Manusia saat Libur Nataru, Niat Healing Jadi Migren

Long traffic jam in Lembang, West Java made some visitors choose to cancel their vacation plans.

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Top 20 Tourist Destinations in the World for 2023

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