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Setelah Citilink, Garuda Indonesia Buka Suara Soal Aturan Koper Airwheel Masuk ke Kabin

"After Citilink, Garuda Indonesia Speaks Out Regarding the Airwheel Luggage Rules for Cabin Entry"

Dream - After Citilink airline went viral for not allowing TikTokers to bring smart suitcases like Airwheel into the aircraft cabin, now it's Garuda Indonesia's turn to speak up. The President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, stated that whether Airwheel suitcases are allowed into the cabin or not depends on the policy issued by The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and domestic regulations.

"Standard Baggage"

The allowed standard cabin baggage, including smart luggage, is baggage with a maximum weight of 7 kilograms, the largest dimensions being 56 x 36 x 23 cm, and the battery capacity not exceeding 100 Wh.

Irfan said, "If smart luggage has weight or dimensions or battery capacity exceeding the standard, the luggage is not allowed to be brought into the cabin. "Furthermore, the battery condition allowed to be brought on the plane is the one with removable battery specifications," said Irfan as quoted from

This is the Rule of Garuda Indonesia for Passengers Bringing Smart Battery Bags

It is also mentioned that smart suitcases with battery capacity ranging from 100 Wh to 160 Wh can be carried as checked baggage, with the requirement of obtaining approval from the airline.

"Battery Smart Suitcase"

"As for smart luggage with lithium battery capacity exceeding 160 Wh, it is not allowed to be carried as either cabin baggage or checked baggage," Irfan continued. Based on research, the lightest Airwheel suitcase weighs 6 kilograms when empty. In terms of dimensions, it still falls into the category of cabin luggage."

However, if the suitcase is filled with personal belongings, referring to Garuda Indonesia regulations, only one kilogram can be loaded into it so that the suitcase can still be allowed in the cabin.

This is the Rule of Garuda Indonesia for Passengers Bringing Smart Battery Bags

Irfan asserts that his party will review the safety of smart battery-carrying luggage, including a review during the pre-flight process.

This is the Rule of Garuda Indonesia for Passengers Bringing Smart Battery Bags

According to him, this provision is carried out as a continuous step in maintaining the core values of Garuda Indonesia's service, namely, prioritizing security, safety, and comfort of the flight for both passengers and crew members.

This is the Rule of Garuda Indonesia for Passengers Bringing Smart Battery Bags

"We also urge passengers to report the use of smart luggage during pre-flight procedures to ensure compliance with flight safety regulations, in line with our commitment to prioritize passenger safety and comfort during the flight," requested Irfan."

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