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Is it true that Anti-Dandruff Shampoo can remove acne?

Is it true that Anti-Dandruff Shampoo can remove acne?

Acne often becomes a problem for many individuals. This condition can make the skin look less than optimal. There is a view that states that the use of anti-dandruff shampoo can solve acne problems. Is this true?

"Anti-dandruff shampoo can provide benefits in reducing acne, but only effective for certain types."

Is it true that Anti-Dandruff Shampoo can Remove Acne?

Folliculitis Malassezia (Pityrosporum) or acne caused by fungus can be cleaned using anti-dandruff shampoo.

The active ingredient commonly found in many anti-dandruff shampoos is zinc pyrithione. This component can inhibit the growth of fungi that cause dandruff and fungal acne. However, is it true that anti-dandruff shampoo can eliminate acne? An explanation about the impact of using anti-dandruff shampoo to eliminate acne is quoted from (08/03).

Apakah Shampo Anti Ketombe dapat Mengatasi Jerawat?

"Can Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Solve Acne?"

The active ingredients contained in anti-dandruff shampoos, such as zinc pyrithione, may have an effect in treating fungal acne. This type of acne is caused by an overgrowth of Malassezia Furfur, a specific yeast that often acts as the cause of fungal acne.

According to Julia Riley, a specialist dermatologist who also serves as an assistant professor at the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University.


Is it safe to use Anti-Dandruff Shampoo for Acne?

Some anti-dandruff shampoo products containing zinc pyrithione can cause the skin to become dry or inflamed. Dry skin can potentially lead to cracking, wounds, and increased risk of infection, itching, and a sensation of tightness.


The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Conditions of dry skin can also worsen the symptoms of eczema, such as: The appearance of blisters that release fluid and form crusts. Changes in skin color. Fluid coming out of the ears and bleeding. Skin becomes red and inflamed. Skin becomes thick and rough."

"How to use it?"

First of all, choose an anti-dandruff shampoo that does not have any additional fragrance and is free from harmful chemicals. This is important because artificial fragrances can cause irritation reactions on the skin, especially if you have skin conditions such as eczema or sensitivity. Here are the steps for using anti-dandruff shampoo to cleanse the face.

<ul class=
  • Gunakan ujung jari Anda untuk meratakan shampo anti ketombe pada wajah.
  • Biarkan shampo tersebut menempel pada kulit wajah selama beberapa menit.
  • Bersihkan wajah dengan air hangat. Hindari menggosok kulit secara kasar agar tidak menimbulkan iritasi.
  • Keringkan wajah dengan menepuk-nepuk lembut menggunakan handuk.
  • Terakhir, aplikasikan pelembab untuk menjaga kelembapan kulit Anda.
  • " loading="lazy">

    Use your fingertips to apply anti-dandruff shampoo on the face. Leave the shampoo on the skin for a few minutes. Cleanse the face with warm water. Avoid rubbing the skin harshly to prevent irritation. Gently pat dry the face using a towel. Lastly, apply moisturizer to maintain the moisture of your skin.

    Rekomendasi Perawatan untuk Kulit Berjerawat 

    "Recommendations for Acne Skin Care "

    Advice for treating other acne that can be more efficient and skin-friendly than using anti-dandruff shampoo.

    Treatment options that can be considered are as follows: Antibiotics: The doctor may prescribe antibiotics in oral form (amoxicillin) or topical cream (clindamycin) to help with bacterial infections. Antifungal: The use of oral antifungal is effective in treating acne caused by fungal infections. Hormonal Therapy: The use of birth control pills or spironolactone to treat acne related to hormonal imbalances. Photodynamic Therapy: The doctor or healthcare professional will use chemicals applied to your face, which will be activated by exposure to blue light.

    Procedure: Includes chemical peels, dermabrasion to reduce scars, and cortisone injections to treat cysts. Retinoid: In the form of cream or gel applied to the skin. For example, tazarotene and tretinoin. Personal Care: Make sure to wash your face regularly, at least once or twice a day. Choose products that do not clog pores. Skin Care Products: Choose products with ingredients such as adapalene, benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, or sulfur. These ingredients help eliminate bacteria, reduce excessive oil production, and help remove dead skin cells.

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