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Heboh Kasus Vampire Facial Tak Steril, Tiga Orang Wanita Tertular HIV<br>

Heboh Kasus Vampire Facial Tak Steril, Tiga Orang Wanita Tertular HIV

Outrageous Vampire Facial Case Not Sterile, Three Women Infected with HIV

Dream - PRP facial or known as vampire facial has become increasingly popular in recent years. This skin treatment uses one's own blood to improve the condition of the skin, making it healthier and more glowing.

Outrageous Vampire Facial Case Not Sterile, Three Women Infected with HIV

More popular when Kim Kardashian did it and showed off the results. Beauty clinics in the United States and even Indonesia are competing to offer this one treatment. A fatal incident occurred because of the treatment on three women. Specifically in New Mexico, USA.

They contracted HIV after undergoing PRP facial. These three women all reported no history of drug use through injections, no blood transfusions, and no unprotected sex. Upon investigation, it turns out that some time before, they had received a facial treatment at a spa in New Mexico.

In response to this case, Dr. Listya Paramita, an Indonesian dermatologist and specialist in genitalia, gave a warning. Through her Instagram account @drmita.spkk, this dermatologist suggested being careful in choosing a facial place. "There's a trending news about three women infected with HIV because they underwent a vampire facial in an unauthorized and illegal place. Of course, it was performed by unskilled personnel," said Dr. Mita in a video uploaded on her Instagram.

"Why Can Vampire Facials Transmit HIV?"

HIV itself is a disease that attacks the human immune system. This disease is often associated with sexual activities and transmission through blood. Why can vampire facial cause these three women to get HIV? Come on, let's find out the explanation.


"Getting to Know Vampire Facial"

Vampire facial is a facial skin treatment that involves a procedure of taking the patient's blood. The way it works, the patient's blood will be taken and processed through a centrifuge machine to separate platelet-rich plasma. This plasma is then injected back into the facial skin.


"The facial procedure has been proven to improve skin protection by stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin. These new collagen and elastin are believed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and acne scars. One Hollywood artist who has undergone this type of treatment is Kim Kardashian. In 2013, Kim Kardashian underwent this treatment several times but stopped a few years later because she felt that the procedure was too harsh and painful for her."

Not without reason, this facial treatment has the potential to transmit HIV to patients because it involves blood and needles. If this treatment is done in an unsterile manner, it is possible for HIV transmission to occur. After investigation, the spa in New Mexico where the three women received the treatment turned out to not have a license. "Be careful, okay. There are a lot of incompetent and illegal practices like this in Indonesia," she said.

Indications for Reusing Bottles

Blood tubes and unlabelled medical injections, unhygienic syringes, as well as indications of reused blood containers. The indication of repeated use of blood containers and unsterile injections becomes the cause of the spread of this disease.


Dr. Mita is once again warning about the high number of infection cases on the face due to cheap skincare treatments in unlicensed places. "Of course, if you want to undergo medical procedures, they should be performed by doctors in legal places, such as clinics or hospitals, in licensed facilities. And make sure the doctor also has a practice permit," she said. Report: Salma Rihhadatul Aisy / Source: BBC and Instagram Dr. Mita.

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