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Kulit Bopeng Tak Mempan Hanya Pakai Skincare Biasa,  Dokter Beri Penjelasan

"Indented Scars are Ineffective with Regular Skincare, Doctor Provides Explanation"

Pitted Skin is Not Effective with Regular Skincare, Doctor Explains

Dream - Acne not only bothers when it appears on the surface of the skin. After successfully resolved, acne can also leave scars that are difficult to remove.

Former acne also appears in various types. Some only cause changes in skin color on the surface and there are also scars or changes in texture. Changes in skin color can still be overcome by using brightening skincare, but scars are not as easy to overcome.

Pitted Skin is Not Effective with Regular Skincare, Doctor Explains

It is difficult to overcome acne scars or changes in the texture of facial skin becoming lower than other areas, leading experts to advise everyone not to touch pimples. Touching pimples until they peel off can cause the affected skin to become infected and result in the appearance of scars as a result.

Scarring is much more difficult to overcome compared to hyperpigmentation or changes in skin color. You need more intensive treatment to overcome it. Here are treatment recommendations from Dermatologist, Arthur Simon, so that scars can be disguised.

Pitted Skin is Not Effective with Regular Skincare, Doctor Explains

Actually, according to Arthur, pitted scars with ice pick or box scar types cannot be resolved to return to the previous condition of the skin.

"In principle, there is indeed no way in the world to completely restore pitted scars to 100% like normal skin again, but there are things you can do to improve it,"
Arthur said, "ungkap Arthur."

"@ 2023"

Pitted Skin is Not Effective with Regular Skincare, Doctor Explains

One of the efforts that can be done to overcome pitted skin is by using several types of cream medications that contain retinoid/retinol, as well as salicylic acid.

Treatment at Beauty Clinic

Treatment at Beauty Clinic

Apart from using ointments, do several types of treatments at the beauty clinic. Sahabat Dream can do peeling to remove dead skin cells in the outer layer of the skin, so it can promote skin rejuvenation.

eMatrix v3.0 Treatment that uses radiofrequency energy can be done to conceal the appearance of scars. "The use of minimal radiofrequency energy damages the outer layer of the skin, but is more effective in causing internal skin wounds that stimulate the body to increase collagen production." TCA Cross This treatment is done by damaging the skin using high-concentration chemical substances, thus stimulating collagen production. "However, for dark-skinned individuals like us, there is still a risk of darkening scars," he said.

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