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"Rejuvenate the Skin Barrier Layer with Wardah Calm & Soothe Gel Moisturizer"

Skin barrier plays an important role in protecting the skin from exposure to free radicals, as well as aiding in the absorption of water and nutrients to maintain skin health. However, when the skin barrier is damaged, various skin problems can occur, such as irritation, dry skin, hyperpigmentation, susceptibility to skin infections, and delayed wound healing. Some signs of a damaged skin barrier include chronic skin irritation, itchy skin, dry and dull skin, hyperpigmentation, susceptibility to skin infections, and delayed wound healing. In addition, there are several factors that can cause damage to the skin barrier, such as improper use of skincare products, exposure to pollution and sunlight, and excessive skincare practices such as excessive exfoliation.

Therefore, to maintain skin barrier health, it is important to use skincare products that are suitable for your skin's needs, avoid excessive exposure to sunlight, and keep the skin moisturized with the use of an appropriate moisturizer. You can take advantage of Wardah Calm & Soothe Gel Moisturizer which contains Cica Complex + Panthenol + Ceramide. Why? Read on to find out its advantages!

© 2024


"Skin Barrier is Not Only Containing Ceramides"

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Skin Barrier itself is the outermost layer of the skin that functions to protect the skin from dehydration, irritation, and various external factors that can damage it, so that the skin remains healthy and strong. Skin Barrier is described as a strong "wall" layer that makes up the skin."

The skin barrier itself consists of 3 main components (3 Holistic Actions), namely the skin must be repaired with a binder (Repair), replenished with cell fillers (Rebuild), coated with an outer shield to regenerate new healthy skin and its effect on the surface of the skin becomes soft (Regenerate). So, it cannot stand alone. As for cell fillers, they are in the form of NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factor), cell protectors in the form of emollients, and cell binders to strengthen, namely Ceramide. NMF consists of 20-30% water molecules. It continuously works to absorb moisture like a sponge to keep the skin supple and voluminous. If there is not enough NMF, the skin loses volume and elasticity, making it textured and sagging.

Meanwhile, Emollient works as a cell guard, maintaining the NMF (water molecules) to stay within the skin, keeping the skin healthy and moisturized. If the skin lacks enough Emollient, the cells start to open up and release the water content, causing dryness and tightness on the skin, making it rough. On the other hand, Ceramide works as a glue that tightly binds the cells to make the skin strong and resilient. If there is not enough Ceramide, the skin cracks and peels, leaving open spaces between the cells, causing dehydration of the skin.

Nah, Wardah Calm & Soothe Gel Moisturizer product is made with 3 Holistic Actionsâ„¢ technology that can help regenerate your skin barrier. This product not only repairs damaged skin barrier but also rebuilds the defense system of the skin barrier and forms the components of the skin barrier. So, you can get these three main benefits for your skin barrier in this product.

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Suitable for Acne-Prone, Oily, and Sensitive Skin

Suitable for Acne-Prone, Oily, and Sensitive Skin

The Wardah Calm & Soothe Gel Moisturizer product contains Complex + Panthenol + Ceramide which can soothe redness and reactive skin, including being effective for red acne and repairing the skin barrier. This is why this product is suitable for acne-prone skin, damaged by acne, and enlarged pores.

When applied regularly, Wardah Calm & Soothe Gel Moisturizer can help achieve soft calm skin, prevent irritation and reactivity, and importantly, maintain a healthy skin barrier. Moreover, its texture is very lightweight and easily absorbed, making it suitable for dry skin. The lightweight texture allows Wardah Calm & Soothe Gel Moisturizer to penetrate the skin well, providing the necessary moisture without leaving a heavy feeling. This also makes it practical for everyday use, especially in hot weather. Using a moisturizer with a lightweight texture can provide a comfortable sensation without making the skin feel oily.

In addition, a lightweight and easily absorbed moisturizer like Wardah Calm & Soothe Gel Moisturizer also has the ability to lock in skin moisture. This helps effectively maintain skin hydration without making it feel sticky. With a multitude of benefits offered, it doesn't feel excessive to make Wardah Calm & Soothe Gel Moisturizer with Cica Complex + Panthenol + Ceramide as your go-to moisturizer from now on!

© 2024


As additional information, Wardah Gel Moisturizer itself comes in 4 variants of moisturizer products. In addition to Wardah Calm & Soothe Gel Moisturizer, there is also Dark Spot Corrector Gel Moisturizer, Deep Water Restore Gel Moisturizer, and Radiant Charge Gel Moisturizer. Each offers different ingredients and benefits for different skin problems. However, what is certain is that all of these products have the same mechanism in repairing the skin barrier, so they can be relied upon to make the skin barrier healthier. Let's revive the skin barrier layer with Wardah Calm & Soothe Gel Moisturizer!

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