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100 Kata-Kata Perpisahan Berhenti Kerja, Ungkapan Haru yang Bikin Mata Berlinang

"100 Farewell Words for Resigning, Touching Expressions that Bring Tears to the Eyes"

"Say goodbye to someone who has been part of our team for some time is a difficult situation."

"Dream - If a colleague of your Dream friend decides to resign, it can be an emotional moment. Saying goodbye to someone who has been part of our team for some time is a difficult situation. However, with the right farewell words for leaving a job, you can express your gratitude and give them encouragement for the new steps they will take."

100 Farewell Words for Resigning, Touching Expressions That Bring Tears to Your Eyes

"Delivering the right farewell words when resigning is not an easy task. However, you don't need to worry, here is a collection of farewell words for resigning that can bring tears to your eyes, compiled by Dream from various sources."

to English is

"Delivering heartfelt and memorable farewell words to colleagues and the workplace will make the resignation process more meaningful. Here is a collection of farewell words for resigning that can inspire Dream Friends during their resignation:"


"After an extraordinary amount of time here, I bid farewell to my amazing colleagues. It is time to say goodbye and close a new chapter in my life. Thank you to everyone on the team who made this work experience unforgettable. I will always cherish the beautiful memories and valuable lessons I gained here. Farewells are a bittersweet moment, but I am confident that we will meet again."

"I am grateful for all the experiences and lessons I have gained at this workplace. Leaving is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new adventure. Thank you to all the colleagues who have made this journey extraordinary. After careful consideration, I have decided to end my journey at this company. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has been a part of my journey here."

"I am very grateful to have worked with amazing colleagues like you." "See you and thank you for all the support and help that has been given." "The time I spent here will always be remembered in my mind. Truly an extraordinary journey!" "Thank you for the opportunity that has been given to grow in this company." "Even though I am leaving, I will always feel proud to have been a part of this team."

to English while preserving any HTML tags is:

"I am very grateful to have worked with great people like you. I hope we can all stay connected and build friendships even though we work in different places. With a heavy heart, I say goodbye to the place that has become a second home for me."

Sure! Here’s the translation while preserving the HTML tags: "Thank you for being a colleague who always provides support and encouragement during my time working here. Leaving is not an easy decision, but I believe it is the right step for me. Goodbye, my friend! All these beautiful memories will remain etched in my heart even though I am no longer here. I believe that this decision brings new opportunities and personal growth. Although it is bittersweet to go through, I am confident that good things are ahead in the future."

"This is not a goodbye forever, but just a see you again in a different life. I feel grateful to have worked with amazing people throughout my journey here. All the challenges I faced here have shaped me into a stronger and wiser person. I step out with a heart full of gratitude and unforgettable memories. Our mission is complete!"

"Thank you to all the mentors and colleagues who have provided support over the years. Leaving is a difficult step, but I believe this brings new opportunities and exciting adventures. With mixed feelings, I close my work book here. I will miss all the great moments we shared as a team."

The translation of "Kata-Kata Perpisahan Berhenti Kerja yang Berkesan" to English is "Effective Farewell Words for Resigning from Work".

"Words of farewell for leaving work have the power to leave a deep impression on colleagues, superiors, and subordinates we leave behind. The right farewell words can become a sweet memory in the hearts of everyone who has ever worked with us."


"Goodbye, the workplace that has been a big part of my life. I hope you find someone better to replace me. I believe that this decision will open the door to a new chapter full of potential. I am grateful for all the valuable lessons I have learned here, and I am ready to face new challenges. Leaving is not the end of my story; it is the beginning of an exciting new chapter."

Sure! Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "Thank you for all the amazing work experiences and wonderful colleagues. It was a moment I will never forget. After much consideration, I am confident that this is the right time to embark on a new adventure. All the coworkers and memories here will always be cherished sincerely. I hope this company becomes better and more prosperous and continues to grow."

"Thank you for the unforgettable memories and experiences. I hope all the moments we shared will inspire us to continue growing towards a better direction. May we support each other and achieve success together in the future. Never hesitate to ask for help; I am always ready to assist you from afar. I always feel proud to have worked here and to have been with you."

"I hope we can continue to maintain a good relationship even though I no longer work here. I will miss all the happy moments we shared together. Goodbye, amazing team. I will miss all our moments together. This decision is not easy, but I believe it is an opportunity for my future."

The translation of "Kata-Kata Perpisahan Berhenti Kerja" to English is "Farewell Words for Resigning from Work".

Words of farewell for leaving a job can also be expressed by providing motivation and encouragement for the colleagues being left behind. By giving motivational words, we can provide spirit and confidence to our colleagues to continue to grow and succeed in the future.


"I will carry all these beautiful memories as I move forward into a new journey. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey here; you are amazing. With a smile and gratitude, I say goodbye to this chapter of my life. It is time to bid farewell, but also time to welcome new opportunities that await. This decision comes after careful consideration and a desire to grow even further."

"All the good moments and challenges we have gone through together will always be a part of my memory. I believe that stepping out of this comfort zone will bring extraordinary growth. Thank you for all the support and collaboration that make my work here so valuable. The time has come to take bold steps towards new opportunities and unfulfilled dreams. After much reflection, I know that this is the right time to continue my journey."

"Thank you to all my colleagues who have made my days here so meaningful. Leaving is not the end, but the beginning of an undiscovered adventure. Sincerely, I thank you for all the wonderful memories and experiences. After many amazing moments here, I feel honored to say goodbye. I believe that every farewell opens the door to new meetings and deeper experiences."

The translation of "Kata-Kata Perpisahan Berhenti Kerja" to English is "Farewell Words for Leaving Work".

"Additionally, a memorable farewell message can also be expressed by offering prayers and good wishes for the future of the colleagues being left behind. Providing positive prayers and hopes can encourage spirit and offer support in facing new challenges in the new workplace."


"Thank you to everyone who has provided support and inspiration throughout my journey. Leaving does not mean forgetting, but appreciating all that we have shared together. Goodbye, amazing team. I will miss our collaboration and joy. With gratitude and new hope, I close the book on this chapter of my life. I leave this place with a heart full of gratitude and invaluable experiences."

"Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my journey here. Although I am leaving, I will always cherish the sweet memories of this place. Goodbye, the workplace that has been a stage for many beautiful memories. I will miss the positive work atmosphere and the supportive team here. Thank you to all my colleagues who have been true friends all this time. With mixed feelings, I close this door and open the door to a new journey."

"I will carry all these lessons and inspirations in every new step I take. Goodbye, the workplace that has been a home to me for many years. I am grateful for all the wonderful memories we have shared together. This is not a farewell forever, but just a see you again in a different life."

The translation of "Kata-Kata Perpisahan Berhenti Kerja" to English is "Farewell Words for Leaving Work".

"Ultimately, farewell words when leaving a job are not just a formality, but also a way to leave a lasting impression and strengthen relationships with the colleagues left behind. By saying the right farewell words when leaving a job, we also contribute to spreading positive energy and kindness in the workplace."


"With sincerity, I thank you for all the experiences and lessons I have gained here. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my story in this workplace. After all this, I move forward with gratitude and a renewed spirit. Although we part ways, we will remain connected through the memories and experiences we shared together. Goodbye, amazing colleagues. I hope we meet again in the future."

"Going is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new chapter in the book of my life. Thank you for all the laughter, hard work, and precious moments we have shared. All good things must come to an end, but I carry with me everlasting memories from this place. "Hello everyone, I will be leaving the office now. Thank you for the cooperation and support today. Let's continue our work tomorrow. See you again!" "

100 Farewell Words for Resigning, Touching Expressions That Bring Tears to Your Eyes

Sure! Here’s the translation with the HTML tags preserved: "Hello everyone, I will be leaving the office now. Thank you for your cooperation today. If there is anything to discuss, you can contact me via WhatsApp. See you tomorrow!"

to English is

Translating the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "Creating appropriate and polite farewell messages for leaving a job via WhatsApp can be a challenge. We want to appear professional and also respect our colleagues, but we don’t want to seem too stiff. Good farewell words can also reflect our personality and positive attitude as coworkers. Here are examples of farewell messages for leaving a job via WhatsApp that you can use as a reference:"

```html "

Good afternoon friends, I will be going home first. Thank you for the cooperation today. I hope we all can rest well and be motivated for tomorrow. See you!

Hi everyone, I want to share the news that today is my last day at the company. I want to thank you for all the support and wonderful memories we shared together. I hope we can stay connected in the future. Thank you very much!

" ```


"It's time to say goodbye to all the amazing colleagues. Thank you for all the collaboration and great moments. I hope we all succeed in our new places. See you!"

"Today marks the end of one chapter, but the beginning of a new one. I am grateful to have worked with such an incredible team. Thank you for all the lessons and support. I hope we stay connected in the future. Goodbye!"

"It's time for me to step into a new chapter in my career. Thank you so much for all the lessons, laughter, and valuable experiences. Let's stay connected, okay? Goodbye, friends!"



Today I have to say goodbye to this company. Thank you to all my colleagues who have been a part of my journey here. I hope we can stay in touch in the future. See you!

It is very hard to say goodbye, but I want to thank everyone who has made this journey amazing. I wish us all success in the future. Stay connected and take care. See you!


"Thank you for all the beautiful memories at this workplace. I move forward with gratitude and new hope. Let's stay connected in the virtual world. Goodbye, friends!"It's time to end my journey at this company. Thank you for all the support and valuable lessons. I am sure we will meet again in the future. See you and thank you very much!"Goodbye, beloved company. I am grateful for all the opportunities and experiences I have gained here. I hope we can meet again in not too long. Stay connected, okay!""

With mixed feelings, I want to say goodbye to my amazing colleagues. Thank you for all the wonderful moments. Let's stay connected and may we all succeed in the future. See you! "It's time for farewell, but that doesn't mean it's the end. Thank you for all the support and collaboration. I am sure we will meet again on our respective journeys. Goodbye, and let's keep in touch!"

"After various considerations, I have decided to continue my journey in a new place. Thank you for all the memories and experiences. I hope we stay connected in the virtual world. Goodbye!"Today is my last day at the company. Thank you to everyone who has made this experience unforgettable. Let's keep in touch and share updates. Goodbye and success to us all!""

100 Farewell Words for Resigning, Touching Expressions That Bring Tears to Your Eyes

"Sampai jumpa, teman-teman kerja! Terima kasih atas semua kerjasama dan dukungan. Semoga kita semua mendapatkan kesuksesan di tempat yang baru. Tetap terhubung dan jaga diri dengan baik. Selamat tinggal!" translates to: "Goodbye, coworkers! Thank you for all the collaboration and support. I hope we all achieve success in our new places. Stay connected and take care of yourselves. Goodbye!"

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