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Dahsyatnya Dzikir Nabi Sulaiman Mohon Kekayaan, Beserta Cara Mengamalkannya

"The Power of Prophet Solomon's Remembrance Prayer for Wealth, Along with How to Practice It"

Dream - Prophet Sulaiman is one of the 25 prophets that must be believed by Muslims. He is wealthy but always obedient to the teachings of Allah SWT. His wealth is described in the Quran.

Dahsyatnya Dzikir Nabi Sulaiman Mohon Kekayaan, Beserta Cara Mengamalkannya

In the stories that are told, the wealth possessed by Prophet Solomon is indeed extraordinary. Actually, there is no detailed information about the amount of wealth Prophet Solomon had, but some historians have tried to trace it through divine manuscripts in order to predict his wealth. Some experts believe that the amount of wealth of Prophet Solomon is equivalent to Rp 5,000 trillion. However, there are also those who say that it is more than that. Wallahu'a'alam.

The wealth possessed by Prophet Sulaiman makes everyone curious about the secret that made him a rich figure. With his special character, Prophet Sulaiman certainly never forgets to always pray to Allah SWT. Well, here is the prayer and remembrance of Prophet Sulaiman to ask for wealth as summarized by Dream from various sources.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Remembrance of Prophet Sulaiman Praying for Abundant Wealth".

The prayers of Prophet Sulaiman are included in the Al-Quran, so Sahabat Dream can also practice them in daily life to seek wealth from Allah SWT. Here is the prayer reading:


1. Surah Sad, verse 35: "Rabbighfirlii wa hablii mulkan laa yanbaghi li ahadin min ba'dii innaka antal wahhaab." Translation: "My Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom that will not belong to anyone after me. Indeed, You are the Bestower." This prayer can be practiced by Dream friends before starting work. Even Prophet Solomon always recited it before starting his activities, preceded by reciting "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim."

"Surat An-Naml Ayat 30" translates to "Chapter An-Naml Verse 30" in English.

This prayer contains an invitation from Prophet Sulaiman to Queen Bilqis to believe in Allah SWT. Here is the text of the prayer: إِنَّهُ مِنْ سُلَيْمَانَ وَإِنَّهُ بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ Meaning: "Indeed, this letter is from Sulaiman and indeed, it begins with the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." (QS. An-Naml: 30)

"Surat An-Naml Ayat 15" translates to "Chapter An-Naml Verse 15" in English.

This prayer was offered by Prophet Sulaiman to express gratitude for the blessings he received. Translation: "Praise be to Allah, who has bestowed upon us abundant knowledge. And they said, 'All praise is due to Allah, who has favored us over many of His believing servants.'"

How to Practice Dzikir of Prophet Sulaiman

Apart from reciting the above prayers, it is recommended that friends of Dream accompany it by performing the following worship:Performing a two-rak'ah hajat prayer at night.After completing the hajat prayer, recite the prayer of Prophet Solomon 33 times.Once finished, conclude by reciting the tasbih 100 times.After that, recite Surah Al-Fatihah three times.

Continued by reading short letters in the form of Al-Ikhlas, An-Nas, and Al-Falaq, each of which is read once. After completing the obligatory prayer, continue by reciting the prayer of Prophet Sulaiman three times. Do all of this regularly. God willing, the Dream friends will be blessed with sustenance.

"Practice of Seeking Wealth"

Apart from reciting the remembrance of Prophet Sulaiman, Muslims are also encouraged to practice sunnah actions to seek wealth and sustenance. It is important to note that these actions do not guarantee immediate wealth, but rather serve as efforts to draw closer to Allah SWT and seek His blessings. Here are some recommended sunnah actions that can be performed:


1. Morning Prayer

The following is the translation of the text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags: "Shalat Dhuha is a voluntary prayer performed after the sun has risen a spear's length until before the time of Dhuhr. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that every bone in the human body must give charity every morning. Every step taken towards the mosque for Shalat Dhuha is counted as charity. Shalat Dhuha can be a means to seek blessings and sustenance."


2. Pray with Specific Prayers

Praying with the prayers taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW is also a recommended practice. Some prayers like "Allahumma inni as'aluka ilman nafi'an wa rizqan waasi'an" (O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge and abundant sustenance) are examples of prayers to seek wealth and sustenance.


3. Giving Charity and Alms

Donating and giving alms to those in need is a highly recommended practice in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that charity will not decrease wealth, but instead increase blessings and sustenance.


4. Maintaining Honor and Business Ethics

Preserving HTML tags: "Preserving honor and ethics in business is also a highly recommended practice. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) mentioned that the blessing in sustenance depends on business ethics and maintaining honesty. It is important to remember that these practices should be done sincerely, with good intentions, and without expecting rewards from humans, but solely for the sake of Allah's pleasure."

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