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Profile of Robert Budi Hartono, the Wealthiest Person in Indonesia in 2023

Profile of Robert Budi Hartono, the Wealthiest Person in Indonesia in 2023

"Forbes recently released a list of the 50 richest people in Indonesia for this year, naming R. Budi and Michael Hartono as the richest individuals in the banking and tobacco business world. These two entrepreneurs are recognized as the wealthiest people in Indonesia with a wealth reaching USD 15 billion. So who are these Hartono brothers? Here is a summary!"

Profil Robert Budi Hartono, Sosok Orang Paling Kaya di Indonesia Tahun 2023

The original text in 'Bahasa' translates to: "The real name of Budi Hartono is Oei Hwie Tjhong, a Chinese descendant who was born in Kudus, Central Java in 1941. He is an Indonesian entrepreneur who is currently 82 years old."

He has a sibling named Bambang Hartono, whose real name is Oei Hwie Siang. Both of them are children of Oei Wie Gwan, the founder of Djarum clove cigarettes.

Profil Robert Budi Hartono, Sosok Orang Paling Kaya di Indonesia Tahun 2023

"Story of Career Journey."

The successful journey of these two siblings began in the small town of Kudus. In 1951, Oei Wie Gwan purchased a small clove cigarette company called Djarum Gramophon. After that, Oei changed the name of the company to Djarum. Oei successfully marketed clove cigarettes under the brand Djarum, and the results proved to be successful.

"In 1963, the Hartono family's business was nearly destroyed by a fire following the death of their father. Despite Djarum factory experiencing losses and instability, under their leadership, the company grew into a giant."

Profil Robert Budi Hartono, Sosok Orang Paling Kaya di Indonesia Tahun 2023

In 1972, Djarum began exporting cigarettes abroad.

Djarum introduces Djarum Filter as the first brand produced by machine, followed by Djarum Super in 1981. Currently, the company has more than 75 thousand employees. Brief paraphrase.

<b>Pada tahun 1972, Djarum mulai mengekspor rokok ke luar negeri.</b><br>
Profil Robert Budi Hartono, Sosok Orang Paling Kaya di Indonesia Tahun 2023

Together with the leadership of R. Budi Hartono, the Djarum Group, which he leads, expands into various sectors, including banking, property, agribusiness, electronics, and multimedia.

In 2007, Budi Hartono and Michael Hartono, through the Djarum Group, expanded their investment into the banking sector and became the majority shareholders with 51 percent of the shares of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA).

Profil Robert Budi Hartono, Sosok Orang Paling Kaya di Indonesia Tahun 2023

"Expanding Business."

Not feeling satisfied with the business, the two siblings expanded their business into the property sector. Under the leadership of CEO Djarum, R. Budi Hartono, many projects have been undertaken, including the mega project Grand Indonesia, which began in 2004 and was successfully completed in 2008.

Moving into the Agribusiness sector, Robert and Michael have a 65,000-hectare palm oil plantation in the province of West Kalimantan since 2008. This activity is conducted through the entity Hartono Plantations Indonesia, which is part of the Djarum Group.

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