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Tips Maintain Good Credit Scores to Easily Apply for Installments for Home Loans to Cars

Tips Maintain Good Credit Scores to Easily Apply for Installments for Home Loans to Cars

Dream - Financing or loan business up to now still becomes a reference for the community when they need funds. However, not all loan applications can be approved by financial institutions. One of the factors that can affect someone's ability to obtain credit payment facilities is credit score. Credit score assessment is used to measure eligibility in providing credit facilities and is determined based on ownership of credit products and payment status.

Determine Credit Card Loans and Paylater

Unsecured Business Head PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Tresia Sarumpaet, explains that both credit cards and paylater have implications on a person's credit score. Every individual must be able to understand the use of credit products.

Tentukan Pinjaman Kartu Kredit dan Paylater
Tips to Maintain a Good Credit Score to Easily Apply for Installments of Home and Vehicle Loans

Someone who has ever or is currently having a loan must maintain a positive credit score. This status is useful for future preparations, especially for vehicle, house, and working capital credit needs, you know.

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Status credit score can be checked through the Financial Information Service System or called SLIK provided by OJK. As part of the evaluation of credit product usage, it is not wrong to periodically check the status of the credit score."

Tips to Maintain a Good Credit Score to Easily Apply for Installments of Home and Vehicle Loans

"Do not let it happen that when needed, such as wanting to fulfill the needs of a house, vehicle, or working capital, you stumble upon a credit score,"

"ungkap Tresia dalam acara Danamon Journalist Class di Jakarta, Selasa, 5 Desember 2023." translates to "Tresia revealed during the Danamon Journalist Class event in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 5th, 2023."


Tips Keep Credit Score Safe

To maintain a positive credit score, there are several tips from Tresia. Here's how to keep your credit score safe: First, Tresia suggests choosing credit products from trusted institutions. For example, a bank that has strict regulations and can guide someone to manage their finances wisely.

Tips to Maintain a Good Credit Score to Easily Apply for Installments of Home and Vehicle Loans

Then, use a credit card according to your ability. He reminds to pay the credit card on time.

"The other suggestion is to ensure timely payment of credit bills. Because it must be remembered that the transactions used are using borrowed funds that must be repaid according to the due date."

Tresia said.

Tips to Maintain a Good Credit Score to Easily Apply for Installments of Home and Vehicle Loans

Someone must also have a clear plan between needs or desires in using a credit card. Because needs cannot be postponed, while desires can be postponed.

Tresia said, credit products that provide financial loans to individuals are one of the products that are in demand by millennials and Gen Z. These generations use credit products to fulfill their lifestyle needs, such as fashion, personal care, toys, and hobbies.

"According to the trend, paylater products have a higher penetration rate, reaching almost 14% of total transactions for millennials and Gen Z compared to credit cards, which is around 7.60%. This can be understood because the issuance of credit cards is much stricter compared to paylater," he said.

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